Eclipse Shortcut Keys & Settings

Eclipse Shortcut Keys & Settings

作者: Lcap | 来源:发表于2018-02-12 14:58 被阅读0次

Eclipse Shortcut Keys

No. Shortcut Key Description
1 ctrl+shift+r Open Resource with specified file name.
2 ctrl+o Open outline.
3 ctrl+e Quick Switch Editor
4 alt+shift+r Quick Rename, if you click this Shorcut keys two times , will rename the 'get' and 'set' method with this property
5 shift+enter Insert a new line after current line
6 ctrl+shift+enter Insert a new line before current line
7 alt+up or down Move current line up or down one line
8 ctrl+alt+h Search property
9 ctrl+shift+o Import used resources and remove unused resources
10 ctrl+. Get to the next warning or error
11 ctrl+1 Quick Fix
12 ctrl+m Maximize or minimize editor
13 alt+shift+m Extract mathod to a independent one
14 alt+shift+i Turn current 'String' to a constant property
15 ctrl+L Quick move to specified line
16 alt+shift+j Quick annotation
17 ctrl+shift+p Find the pair of bracket
18 ctrl+F6 Next Editor
19 ctrl + shift +F6 Previous Editor
20 ctrl + t Quick Hierarchy
21 F4 Open Type Hierarchy
22 ctrl + K Find Next

Eclipse Settings

No. Description Mothod
1 Highlight all specified property window -> preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Mark Occurrence



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