primary aim主要目的

primary aim主要目的

作者: 董八七 | 来源:发表于2019-01-11 11:30 被阅读12次

    title: primary aim
    date: 2019-01-10 22:21:05
    NO_sents: 54
    NO_references: 49

    primary aim
    primary aims

    • Our primary aim was to combine all available schizophrenia samples with published or unpublished GWAS genotypes into a single, systematic analysis24. (Ripke et al., 2014)
    • Nevertheless, as the primary aim of this study was to examine the actual volume differences observed in the pure species and hybrids, we believed that it was more appropriate to use the site-based volume equations to compare volume production at each site due to the presumed increase in accuracy. (Dieters, Brawner, 2007)
    • Although it was not our primary aim, the vote provided us with some interesting information on which papers the experienced members of our community deemed to be `must-read'. (Courchamp, Bradshaw, 2018)
    • The primary aim for this study was to focus on algorithms and statistical procedures that can be useful on the generation of optimal field designs with correlated observations and to assess their efficiency considering a wide spectrum of typical field conditions. (Mramba et al., 2018)
    • In this study, our primary aim was to examine attitudes toward prenatal genetic testing for TCS amongst affected individuals and their families, including their spouses/partners, parents, and/or other extended family members, with a view to gaining a better understanding of whether and how at-risk families will utilize prenatal genetic testing for craniofacial birth defects in the future. (Wu et al., 2012)
    • The genetic relationship between the growth characteristics and wood density is important because the primary aim of most tree breeding programs is to obtain fast-growing trees in many cases (Zobel and Talbert 1984). (Fukatsu et al., 2013)
    • A primary aim of covariance structure analysis is to specify enough restrictions in () so that, substantively, it becomes a sufficiently simple and acceptable representation for the theoretical or interpretative issue being investigated (McDonald 1989). (Bentler, Dudgeon, 1996)
    • The primary aim of crop variety evaluation programs is to reliably predict the performance of potential new varieties relative to existing commercial varieties. (Welham et al., 2010)
    • The primary aim of most agricultural field experiments is the unbiased and efficient estimation of treatment contrasts. (Gleeson, Cullis, 1987)
    • The estimation of treatment effects corrected for environmental effects is the primary aim of field experiments. (Dutkowski et al., 2006)
    • Finally, under certain fairly general assumptions, BLUP maximizes the correlation of true genotypic values and predicted genotypic values (Searle et al 1992), which is the primary aim of breeders. (Piepho et al., 2008)
    • In light of the well-supported divergence of ARSEF23 from the main M. anisopliae clade 5,9 and reclassification to M. robertsii, the primary aim of this study was to assemble an accurate, annotated, draft reference genome for M. anisopliae using our isolate Ma69. (Pattemore et al., 2014)
    • The primary aim of this study was to estimate the need to make appropriate p-value adjustments in clinical trials to compensate for a possible increased risk in committing Type I errors when multiple outcome measures are used. (Feise, 2002)
    • The primary aim of this study was to evaluate the need to adjust p-values in clinical trials when MOMs are used. (Feise, 2002)
    • The idea of carbon forestry supposes that trees will be planted with the primary aim of capturing and storing carbon rather than providing timber or fiber for immediate use. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
    • The primary aim of this approach was to construct plausible scenarios describing the centers of origin and dispersal histories for particular taxa, based chiefly on their patterns of occurrence in the fossil record, knowledge of their phylogeny, the ecology of extant species, and knowledge of geological history. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
    • Indeed my primary aim is to highlight that different, but equally correct views coexist in the literature that differ in their biological interpretation. (Wilson, 2018)
    • This question represents therefore the primary aim of the work reported here. (Arias-Rodil, Di��guez-Aranda, Burkhart, 2017)
    • Breeding programs, which are usually focused on specific species, exist and have the primary aim of increasing productivity 3. (Schimleck et al., 2018)
    • The primary aim of the current study was to evaluate the potential use of genomic prediction in a population of Pacific oysters derived from a commercial hatchery. (Gutierrez et al., 2018)
    • Because our primary aim was to develop a methodology to improve accuracy of multi-trait genomic prediction using GBLUP via weighted G matrices, we only investigated a limited number of region sizes (one SNP, 100 SNPs, one chromosome or whole genome). (Karaman et al., 2018)
    • Its great importance for the world economy and society has motivated the establishment of a large number of conifer breeding programs worldwide with the primary aim of increasing wood production and improving its quality (Mullin et al 2011; Rosvall 2011). (Li et al., 2014)
    • The primary aim of this study was to determine the extent to which QTL with major effects could be detected for a set of important conifer wood properties considered as dynamic functional traits dependent on time (i.e., cambial age). (Li et al., 2014)
    • Since the primary aim of PCA is dimension reduction, the number of mega-SNPs used in PCA regressions is as small as possible, provided that a large proportion of the total variance of X can be explained. (LONG et al., 2010)
    • Selection using genomic prediction remains firmly in the polygenic paradigm, however,as the primary aim is to utilize improvement from the whole genome rather than by identifying specific sites. (Hill, 2016)
    • The primary aim of a plant breeding MET is selection either of potential new varieties or potential parents. (Cullis et al., 2010)
    • The primary aim of this article has been to extend the spatial models proposed by Cullis and Gleeson (1991) and other approaches such as Zimmerman and Harville (1991) and Martin (1990). (Gilmour, Cullis, Verbyla, 1997)
    • Although it was not our primary aim, the vote provided us with some interesting information on which papers the experienced members of our community deemed to be 'must-read'. (Courchamp et al., 2017)
    • The primary aim is to elucidate the difficulties in identifying genetic loci that contribute to complex traits. (Cardon, Bell, 2001)
    • The HapMap data were generated with the primary aim of guiding the design and analysis of medical genetic studies. (The International HapMap Consortium, 2005)
    • Prior to this period, the primary aim of breeding programs was avoidance of inbreeding; thus hybrid vigor was said to work via the prevention of self-pollination. (Duvick, 1999)
    • The primary aim of this study was to understand the genetic control of biomass and the interaction with the environment. (Rae et al., 2008)
    • Its primary aim is to consider descriptive analysis in genetic epidemiology in the light of the analogous aims of mainstream epidemiology, and to point the reader to some of the highlights of a broad and complex literature. (Balding, Bishop, Cannings, 2007)
    • As with the majority of clinical trials, the primary aim is usually to detect a significant difference between treatment pairs, and their expected variance is usually used to estimate sample size. (Brown, Prescott, 2015)
    • Introduction to Linear Models 81 The primary aim of any block design for varietal and related trials is to compare treatments once the effects of the blocks have been discounted. (Derek et al., 2015)
    • The primary aim of filtering theory is to obtain an estimate of Xt based on the information FtY . (Gawarecki, Mandrekar, 2015)
    • Although the primary aim is to represent distances between objects optimally, one usually wishes to know how the location of the object points is related to the variables generating the inter-object proximities. (Geert Molenberghs Helena Geys, 1998)
    • The primary aim of many comparative agricultural field experiments is to obtain accurate and efficient estimates of treatment effects. (Geert Molenberghs Helena Geys, 1998)
    • The primary aim of the course is to show that these models are only daunting by name. (Hadfield, 2014)
    • The primary aim in discriminant analysis is to assign an individual to one of two or more classes (groups) on the basis of measurements on feature variables. (Konishi, 2014)
    • The primary aim of this appendix is to provide you with additional mathematical and statistical background regarding fitting linear mixed models, beyond the material covered in the main chapters of this book. (Littell et al., 2006)
    • High temperature is often accompanied with low water supply, so the primary aim of breeding must be to develop cultivars tolerating both the types of stresses (Tester and Bacic 2005). (Maheswari, Yadav, Shanker, 2012)
    • In this sense, analysis is the primary aim. (Murtagh, 2017)
    • If radix-changing, rather than compression, is your primary aim (for example to convert an arbitrary file into printable characters), then you are of course free to set al the components of nfreq equal, say, to 1. (Press et al., 2007)
    • The primary aim of the establishment and survey of individual-tree-based age series is not to record stand mean values, but the structural and the growth and yield characteristics of individual trees. (Pretzsch, 2010)
    • Our primary aim is to fit our model to our observed data, i.e. confront our model with the data (Hilborn & Mangel 1997). (Quinn, Keough, 2002)
    • GILB's primary aim is to improve management of late blight in developing countries. (Tuberosa, Graner, Frison, 2014)
    • Our primary aim here is to integrate previous the- oretical and empirical work in the field with recent advances in the use of large-scale demography in studies of senescence (Carey et aI., 1992; Curtsinger et aI., 1992; Vaupel, Johnson & Lithgow, 1994). (Unknown, 1998)
    • The primary aim is to illustrate the capabilities of ASReml in the context of analysing real data sets. (Gilmour et al., 2015)
    • The primary aims of this study were to assess the utility and validity of a series of proposed heterotic groups and estimate correlations between genetic distance, heterosis, and hybrid performance for seed yield in sunflower. (Cheres et al., 2000)
    • Chapter 17 Principal components and correspondence analysis This chapter and the next deal with analyses of multiple variables recorded from multiple objects where there are two primary aims. (Quinn, Keough, 2002)
    • One of the primary aims of drug discovery over the last 30 years has been to design drugs against targets that were thought to affect simple signaling pathways associated with disease. (Rao, Gu, 2008)
    • One of the primary aims of this chapter was to model koala distributions to help understand the key landscape- and site-scale factors determining the presence of koalas. (Zuur et al., 2009)



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