
作者: fc82bb084ee7 | 来源:发表于2018-04-23 23:04 被阅读12次

set ignorecase smartcase

" 鎵撳紑涓嬮潰2涓彃浠剁殑绐楀彛
autocmd vimenter * TlistOpen
autocmd vimenter * TagbarOpen

set shiftwidth=4
set sts=4
set tabstop=4


set expandtab
"desert 棰滆壊涓婚, 淇濇姢鐪肩潧

colorscheme desert

set nobackup
set nowritebackup

:map cc v:s/^////g
:map cx v:s/^////g
:vmap cc :s/^////g
:vmap cx :s/^////g

set mouse=a
set hlsearch
set incsearch
set showcmd

set nu
" show file name
set laststatus=2

set nowrapscan

set gcr=a:block-blinkon0

" set up the source insight now.

" Open and close all the three plugins on the same time
nmap <F8> :TrinityToggleAll<CR>

" Open and close the srcexpl.vim separately
nmap <F9> :TrinityToggleSourceExplorer<CR>

" Open and close the taglist.vim separately
nmap <F10> :TrinityToggleTagList<CR>

" Open and close the NERD_tree.vim separately
nmap <F11> :TrinityToggleNERDTree<CR>

" set up SrcExpl now.
" // The switch of the Source Explorer "
" nmap <F8> :SrcExplToggle<CR>
" "
" // Set the height of Source Explorer window "
" let g:SrcExpl_winHeight = 8
" "
" // Set 100 ms for refreshing the Source Explorer "
" let g:SrcExpl_refreshTime = 100
" "
" // Set "Enter" key to jump into the exact definition context "
" let g:SrcExpl_jumpKey = "<ENTER>"
" "
" // Set "Space" key for back from the definition context "
" let g:SrcExpl_gobackKey = "<SPACE>"
" "
" // In order to avoid conflicts, the Source Explorer should know what plugins "
" // except itself are using buffers. And you need add their buffer names into "
" // below listaccording to the command ":buffers!" "
" let g:SrcExpl_pluginList = [
" \ "Tag_List",
" \ "NERD_tree"
" \ ]
" "
" // Enable/Disable the local definition searching, and note that this is not "
" // guaranteed to work, the Source Explorer doesn't check the syntax for now. "
" // It only searches for a match with the keyword according to command 'gd' "
" let g:SrcExpl_searchLocalDef = 1
" "
" // Do not let the Source Explorer update the tags file when opening "
" let g:SrcExpl_isUpdateTags = 0
" "
" // Use 'Exuberant Ctags' with '--sort=foldcase -R .' or '-L cscope.files' to "
" // create/update a tags file "
" let g:SrcExpl_updateTagsCmd = "ctags --sort=foldcase -R ."
" "
" // Set "<F12>" key for updating the tags file artificially "
" let g:SrcExpl_updateTagsKey = "<F12>"
" "
" // Set "<F3>" key for displaying the previous definition in the jump list "
let g:SrcExpl_prevDefKey = "<F3>"
" "
" // Set "<F4>" key for displaying the next definition in the jump list "
let g:SrcExpl_nextDefKey = "<F4>"

" ahking set cscope database.
"cs add /home/wangxin/src/IdeaProjects/branch_androidbrowser_6.8.5_kernel/cscope.out
cs add /home/wangxin/src/chromium_trunk/src/cscope.out

command! -nargs=? Filter let @a='' | execute 'g/<args>/y A' | new | setlocal bt=nofile | put! a

" set moving between windows to ctrl+arrows
nnoremap <silent> <C-Right> <c-w>l
nnoremap <silent> <C-Left> <c-w>h
nnoremap <silent> <C-Up> <c-w>k
nnoremap <silent> <C-Down> <c-w>j

" set moving between windows to ctrl+hjkl
noremap <silent> <C-l> <c-w>l
noremap <silent> <C-h> <c-w>h
noremap <silent> <C-k> <c-w>k
noremap <silent> <C-j> <c-w>j


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