The Last Chapter:  And Then You

The Last Chapter:  And Then You

作者: carmenmj | 来源:发表于2018-01-31 18:27 被阅读0次
The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A Fuck

Part 1 Q&A

Have you thought about death or dying? How did you feel when you were thinking about them?

Yes, but the death didn't make me feel really scared because I am young and just studying in the school. Nonetheless, when I think about my parents will die at a certain time I feel upset and nervous.

How knowing “then you die” would affect the way we live? What is the sunny side of death?

I gave a fuck about something more important than my insecurities and my baggage.Oddly, it was someone else’s death that gave me permission to finally live. And perhaps the worst moment of my life was also the most transformational. Confronting the reality of our own mortality is important because it obliterates all the crappy, fragile, superficial values in life.

Did you have a transformational moment growing up? Something you would consider a wake-up call?

Well, I guess I don't have such an experience, or I cannot remember it.

Part 2 My Ideas


Part 3 Expression

Still not putting two-and-two together, I hurried down to the shoreline, gnawing on my sandwich, curious as to what everyone was looking at.

gnaw: to keep biting something hard

gnaw (away) at somebody/something : to make someone feel worried or frightened, over a period of time

类似的词:bite, chew

e.g. Gnawed and fingerless, the arm thrashed on the floor, wriggling toward him.            ----冰与火之歌

The other faculty loathed him. Less than a year later, he was fired again.

loath: formal to be unwilling to do something


e.g. They looked upon the creature with a loathing undisguised

depressing anxiety—creeps back into our mind.


V: 1. to move in a quiet, careful way, especially to avoid attracting attention


n: 2. someone who you dislike extremely

  3. give somebody the creeps if a person or place gives you the creeps, they make you feel nervous and a little frightened, especially because they are strange:

  e.g. That house gives me the creeps.

I step across the rocks toward the blue, allowing its vastness to engulf my field of vision.

engulf: Is a verb that means being completely surrounded, soaked, or covered. Fire, snow, smoke, flood waters, or even violence are a few things that could engulf you.




      本文标题:The Last Chapter:  And Then You
