Android TextView源码浅析之Layout

Android TextView源码浅析之Layout

作者: ChrisChanSysu | 来源:发表于2020-07-21 22:59 被阅读0次





        public void makeNewLayout(int wantWidth, int hintWidth,
                                     BoringLayout.Metrics boring,
                                     BoringLayout.Metrics hintBoring,
                                     int ellipsisWidth, boolean bringIntoView) {
            // 暂停走马灯动画
            mOldMaximum = mMaximum;
            mOldMaxMode = mMaxMode;
            mHighlightPathBogus = true;
            if (wantWidth < 0) {
                wantWidth = 0;
            if (hintWidth < 0) {
                hintWidth = 0;
           // 1.获取对齐方式
            Layout.Alignment alignment = getLayoutAlignment();
            final boolean testDirChange = mSingleLine && mLayout != null
                    && (alignment == Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL
                            || alignment == Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_OPPOSITE);
            int oldDir = 0;
            if (testDirChange) oldDir = mLayout.getParagraphDirection(0);
            boolean shouldEllipsize = mEllipsize != null && getKeyListener() == null;
            // 2.处理省略方式
            final boolean switchEllipsize = mEllipsize == TruncateAt.MARQUEE
                    && mMarqueeFadeMode != MARQUEE_FADE_NORMAL;
            TruncateAt effectiveEllipsize = mEllipsize;
            if (mEllipsize == TruncateAt.MARQUEE
                    && mMarqueeFadeMode == MARQUEE_FADE_SWITCH_SHOW_ELLIPSIS) {
                effectiveEllipsize = TruncateAt.END_SMALL;
            // 3.获取文字方向
            if (mTextDir == null) {
                mTextDir = getTextDirectionHeuristic();
            // 4.通过上述信息,构建mLayout
            mLayout = makeSingleLayout(wantWidth, boring, ellipsisWidth, alignment, shouldEllipsize,
                    effectiveEllipsize, effectiveEllipsize == mEllipsize);
            if (switchEllipsize) {
                TruncateAt oppositeEllipsize = effectiveEllipsize == TruncateAt.MARQUEE
                        ? TruncateAt.END : TruncateAt.MARQUEE;
                mSavedMarqueeModeLayout = makeSingleLayout(wantWidth, boring, ellipsisWidth, alignment,
                        shouldEllipsize, oppositeEllipsize, effectiveEllipsize != mEllipsize);
            shouldEllipsize = mEllipsize != null;
            mHintLayout = null;
            // 5.构建出用于显示hint的Layout
            if (mHint != null) {
                if (shouldEllipsize) hintWidth = wantWidth;
                if (hintBoring == UNKNOWN_BORING) {
                    hintBoring = BoringLayout.isBoring(mHint, mTextPaint, mTextDir,
                    if (hintBoring != null) {
                        mHintBoring = hintBoring;
                if (hintBoring != null) {
                    if (hintBoring.width <= hintWidth
                            && (!shouldEllipsize || hintBoring.width <= ellipsisWidth)) {
                        if (mSavedHintLayout != null) {
                            mHintLayout = mSavedHintLayout.replaceOrMake(mHint, mTextPaint,
                                    hintWidth, alignment, mSpacingMult, mSpacingAdd,
                                    hintBoring, mIncludePad);
                        } else {
                            mHintLayout = BoringLayout.make(mHint, mTextPaint,
                                    hintWidth, alignment, mSpacingMult, mSpacingAdd,
                                    hintBoring, mIncludePad);
                        mSavedHintLayout = (BoringLayout) mHintLayout;
                    } else if (shouldEllipsize && hintBoring.width <= hintWidth) {
                        if (mSavedHintLayout != null) {
                            mHintLayout = mSavedHintLayout.replaceOrMake(mHint, mTextPaint,
                                    hintWidth, alignment, mSpacingMult, mSpacingAdd,
                                    hintBoring, mIncludePad, mEllipsize,
                        } else {
                            mHintLayout = BoringLayout.make(mHint, mTextPaint,
                                    hintWidth, alignment, mSpacingMult, mSpacingAdd,
                                    hintBoring, mIncludePad, mEllipsize,
                if (mHintLayout == null) {
                    StaticLayout.Builder builder = StaticLayout.Builder.obtain(mHint, 0,
                            mHint.length(), mTextPaint, hintWidth)
                            .setLineSpacing(mSpacingAdd, mSpacingMult)
                            .setMaxLines(mMaxMode == LINES ? mMaximum : Integer.MAX_VALUE);
                    if (shouldEllipsize) {
                    mHintLayout = builder.build();
            if (bringIntoView || (testDirChange && oldDir != mLayout.getParagraphDirection(0))) {
            // 6.重启走马灯动画
            if (mEllipsize == TextUtils.TruncateAt.MARQUEE) {
                if (!compressText(ellipsisWidth)) {
                    final int height = mLayoutParams.height;
                    if (height != LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT && height != LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT) {
                    } else {
                        mRestartMarquee = true;
            // CursorControllers need a non-null mLayout
            if (mEditor != null) mEditor.prepareCursorControllers();



        protected Layout makeSingleLayout(int wantWidth, BoringLayout.Metrics boring, int ellipsisWidth,
                Layout.Alignment alignment, boolean shouldEllipsize, TruncateAt effectiveEllipsize,
                boolean useSaved) {
            Layout result = null;
            // 这个方法的内部会判断文本是否是Spannable,是的话会使用DynamicLayout
            if (useDynamicLayout()) {
                final DynamicLayout.Builder builder = DynamicLayout.Builder.obtain(mText, mTextPaint,
                        .setLineSpacing(mSpacingAdd, mSpacingMult)
                        .setEllipsize(getKeyListener() == null ? effectiveEllipsize : null)
                result = builder.build();
            } else {
                // 判断是否确定了是不是Boring
                if (boring == UNKNOWN_BORING) {
                    boring = BoringLayout.isBoring(mTransformed, mTextPaint, mTextDir, mBoring);
                    if (boring != null) {
                        mBoring = boring;
                // 这个条件如果成立,则证明是Boring
                if (boring != null) {
                    // 根据boring的不同属性,创建对应的Layout,if-else分支里都会尝试从mSavedLayout中创建,拿不到再调用BoringLayout.make()来创建新的
                    if (boring.width <= wantWidth
                            && (effectiveEllipsize == null || boring.width <= ellipsisWidth)) {
                        if (useSaved && mSavedLayout != null) {
                            result = mSavedLayout.replaceOrMake(mTransformed, mTextPaint,
                                    wantWidth, alignment, mSpacingMult, mSpacingAdd,
                                    boring, mIncludePad);
                        } else {
                            result = BoringLayout.make(mTransformed, mTextPaint,
                                    wantWidth, alignment, mSpacingMult, mSpacingAdd,
                                    boring, mIncludePad);
                        if (useSaved) {
                            mSavedLayout = (BoringLayout) result;
                    } else if (shouldEllipsize && boring.width <= wantWidth) {
                        if (useSaved && mSavedLayout != null) {
                            result = mSavedLayout.replaceOrMake(mTransformed, mTextPaint,
                                    wantWidth, alignment, mSpacingMult, mSpacingAdd,
                                    boring, mIncludePad, effectiveEllipsize,
                        } else {
                            result = BoringLayout.make(mTransformed, mTextPaint,
                                    wantWidth, alignment, mSpacingMult, mSpacingAdd,
                                    boring, mIncludePad, effectiveEllipsize,
            // 在这里result依然为null,证明不是Boring,需要用StaticLayout
            if (result == null) {
                StaticLayout.Builder builder = StaticLayout.Builder.obtain(mTransformed,
                        0, mTransformed.length(), mTextPaint, wantWidth)
                        .setLineSpacing(mSpacingAdd, mSpacingMult)
                        .setMaxLines(mMaxMode == LINES ? mMaximum : Integer.MAX_VALUE);
                if (shouldEllipsize) {
                result = builder.build();
            return result;



        final CharSequence source = b.mText;
            final int bufStart = b.mStart;
            final int bufEnd = b.mEnd;
            TextPaint paint = b.mPaint;
            int outerWidth = b.mWidth;
            TextDirectionHeuristic textDir = b.mTextDir;
            final boolean fallbackLineSpacing = b.mFallbackLineSpacing;
            float spacingmult = b.mSpacingMult;
            float spacingadd = b.mSpacingAdd;
            float ellipsizedWidth = b.mEllipsizedWidth;
            TextUtils.TruncateAt ellipsize = b.mEllipsize;
            final boolean addLastLineSpacing = b.mAddLastLineLineSpacing;
            LineBreaks lineBreaks = new LineBreaks(); 
            FloatArray widths = new FloatArray();
            mLineCount = 0;
            mEllipsized = false;
            mMaxLineHeight = mMaximumVisibleLineCount < 1 ? 0 : DEFAULT_MAX_LINE_HEIGHT;
            int v = 0;
            boolean needMultiply = (spacingmult != 1 || spacingadd != 0);
            Paint.FontMetricsInt fm = b.mFontMetricsInt;
            int[] chooseHtv = null;
    • 第1部分是变量的初始化
        final int[] indents;
            if (mLeftIndents != null || mRightIndents != null) {
                final int leftLen = mLeftIndents == null ? 0 : mLeftIndents.length;
                final int rightLen = mRightIndents == null ? 0 : mRightIndents.length;
                final int indentsLen = Math.max(leftLen, rightLen);
                indents = new int[indentsLen];
                for (int i = 0; i < leftLen; i++) {
                    indents[i] = mLeftIndents[i];
                for (int i = 0; i < rightLen; i++) {
                    indents[i] += mRightIndents[i];
            } else {
                indents = null;
            final long nativePtr = nInit(
                    b.mBreakStrategy, b.mHyphenationFrequency,
                    b.mJustificationMode != Layout.JUSTIFICATION_MODE_NONE,
                    indents, mLeftPaddings, mRightPaddings);
    • 第2部分是对文本缩进的处理,最终处理调用的是native函数实现,但实际这个if代码块,暂时还没有找到能够判断为true的地方
            PrecomputedText.ParagraphInfo[] paragraphInfo = null;
            final Spanned spanned = (source instanceof Spanned) ? (Spanned) source : null;
            if (source instanceof PrecomputedText) {
                PrecomputedText precomputed = (PrecomputedText) source;
                if (precomputed.canUseMeasuredResult(bufStart, bufEnd, textDir, paint,
                          b.mBreakStrategy, b.mHyphenationFrequency)) {
                    paragraphInfo = precomputed.getParagraphInfo();
            if (paragraphInfo == null) {
                final PrecomputedText.Params param = new PrecomputedText.Params(paint, textDir,
                        b.mBreakStrategy, b.mHyphenationFrequency);
                paragraphInfo = PrecomputedText.createMeasuredParagraphs(source, param, bufStart,
                        bufEnd, false);
    • 第3部分是分析文本的段落信息,这里涉及到的PrecomputedText是包含了文本测量信息的类,通过它来构建文本能够节省一些开销


           for (int paraIndex = 0; paraIndex < paragraphInfo.length; paraIndex++) {
                    final int paraStart = paraIndex == 0
                            ? bufStart : paragraphInfo[paraIndex - 1].paragraphEnd;
                    final int paraEnd = paragraphInfo[paraIndex].paragraphEnd;
            // ……


                    int firstWidthLineCount = 1;
                    int firstWidth = outerWidth;
                    int restWidth = outerWidth;
                    LineHeightSpan[] chooseHt = null;
                    if (spanned != null) {
                        LeadingMarginSpan[] sp = getParagraphSpans(spanned, paraStart, paraEnd,
                        for (int i = 0; i < sp.length; i++) {
                            LeadingMarginSpan lms = sp[i];
                            firstWidth -= sp[i].getLeadingMargin(true);
                            restWidth -= sp[i].getLeadingMargin(false);
                            // LeadingMarginSpan2 is odd.  The count affects all
                            // leading margin spans, not just this particular one
                            if (lms instanceof LeadingMarginSpan2) {
                                LeadingMarginSpan2 lms2 = (LeadingMarginSpan2) lms;
                                firstWidthLineCount = Math.max(firstWidthLineCount,
    • 首先是宽度方面的分析,解析LeadingMarginSpan和LeadingMargin2
                        chooseHt = getParagraphSpans(spanned, paraStart, paraEnd, LineHeightSpan.class);
                        if (chooseHt.length == 0) {
                            chooseHt = null; // So that out() would not assume it has any contents
                        } else {
                            if (chooseHtv == null || chooseHtv.length < chooseHt.length) {
                                chooseHtv = ArrayUtils.newUnpaddedIntArray(chooseHt.length);
                            for (int i = 0; i < chooseHt.length; i++) {
                                int o = spanned.getSpanStart(chooseHt[i]);
                                if (o < paraStart) {
                                    // starts in this layout, before the
                                    // current paragraph
                                    chooseHtv[i] = getLineTop(getLineForOffset(o));
                                } else {
                                    // starts in this paragraph
                                    chooseHtv[i] = v;
    • 然后是行高的分析,通过解析LineHeightSpan来实现
                    int[] variableTabStops = null;
                    if (spanned != null) {
                        TabStopSpan[] spans = getParagraphSpans(spanned, paraStart,
                                paraEnd, TabStopSpan.class);
                        if (spans.length > 0) {
                            int[] stops = new int[spans.length];
                            for (int i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) {
                                stops[i] = spans[i].getTabStop();
                            Arrays.sort(stops, 0, stops.length);
                            variableTabStops = stops;
    • 这一段通过解析TabStopSpan来获取tabStop,排序后存储在variableTabStop中
                    final MeasuredParagraph measuredPara = paragraphInfo[paraIndex].measured;
                    final char[] chs = measuredPara.getChars();
                    final int[] spanEndCache = measuredPara.getSpanEndCache().getRawArray();
                    final int[] fmCache = measuredPara.getFontMetrics().getRawArray();
    • 这部分作用是从段落信息paragraphInfo[paraIndex]中取出测量相关的信息,后面准备使用
                   int breakCount = nComputeLineBreaks(
                            // Inputs
                            paraEnd - paraStart,
                            // Outputs
                    final int[] breaks = lineBreaks.breaks;
                    final float[] lineWidths = lineBreaks.widths;
                    final float[] ascents = lineBreaks.ascents;
                    final float[] descents = lineBreaks.descents;
                    final int[] flags = lineBreaks.flags;
    • 这一段是根据前述步骤的宽度、行宽等信息,调用native的方法进行了折行处理,处理后的结果在lineBreaks中
                    final int remainingLineCount = mMaximumVisibleLineCount - mLineCount;
                    final boolean ellipsisMayBeApplied = ellipsize != null
                            && (ellipsize == TextUtils.TruncateAt.END
                                || (mMaximumVisibleLineCount == 1
                                        && ellipsize != TextUtils.TruncateAt.MARQUEE));
                    if (0 < remainingLineCount && remainingLineCount < breakCount
                            && ellipsisMayBeApplied) {
                        // Calculate width and flag.
                        float width = 0;
                        int flag = 0; // XXX May need to also have starting hyphen edit
                        for (int i = remainingLineCount - 1; i < breakCount; i++) {
                            if (i == breakCount - 1) {
                                width += lineWidths[i];
                            } else {
                                for (int j = (i == 0 ? 0 : breaks[i - 1]); j < breaks[i]; j++) {
                                    width += widths.get(j);
                            flag |= flags[i] & TAB_MASK;
                        // Treat the last line and overflowed lines as a single line.
                        breaks[remainingLineCount - 1] = breaks[breakCount - 1];
                        lineWidths[remainingLineCount - 1] = width;
                        flags[remainingLineCount - 1] = flag;
                        breakCount = remainingLineCount;
    • 这里主要是对末行以及省略的相应处理
                    int here = paraStart;
                    int fmTop = 0, fmBottom = 0, fmAscent = 0, fmDescent = 0;
                    int fmCacheIndex = 0;
                    int spanEndCacheIndex = 0;
                    int breakIndex = 0;
                    for (int spanStart = paraStart, spanEnd; spanStart < paraEnd; spanStart = spanEnd) {
                        // retrieve end of span
                        spanEnd = spanEndCache[spanEndCacheIndex++];
                        // retrieve cached metrics, order matches above
                        fm.top = fmCache[fmCacheIndex * 4 + 0];
                        fm.bottom = fmCache[fmCacheIndex * 4 + 1];
                        fm.ascent = fmCache[fmCacheIndex * 4 + 2];
                        fm.descent = fmCache[fmCacheIndex * 4 + 3];
                        if (fm.top < fmTop) {
                            fmTop = fm.top;
                        if (fm.ascent < fmAscent) {
                            fmAscent = fm.ascent;
                        if (fm.descent > fmDescent) {
                            fmDescent = fm.descent;
                        if (fm.bottom > fmBottom) {
                            fmBottom = fm.bottom;
                        // skip breaks ending before current span range
                        while (breakIndex < breakCount && paraStart + breaks[breakIndex] < spanStart) {
                        while (breakIndex < breakCount && paraStart + breaks[breakIndex] <= spanEnd) {
                            int endPos = paraStart + breaks[breakIndex];
                            boolean moreChars = (endPos < bufEnd);
                            final int ascent = fallbackLineSpacing
                                    ? Math.min(fmAscent, Math.round(ascents[breakIndex]))
                                    : fmAscent;
                            final int descent = fallbackLineSpacing
                                    ? Math.max(fmDescent, Math.round(descents[breakIndex]))
                                    : fmDescent;
                            v = out(source, here, endPos,
                                    ascent, descent, fmTop, fmBottom,
                                    v, spacingmult, spacingadd, chooseHt, chooseHtv, fm,
                                    flags[breakIndex], needMultiply, measuredPara, bufEnd,
                                    includepad, trackpad, addLastLineSpacing, chs, widths.getRawArray(),
                                    paraStart, ellipsize, ellipsizedWidth, lineWidths[breakIndex],
                                    paint, moreChars);
                            if (endPos < spanEnd) {
                                // preserve metrics for current span
                                fmTop = fm.top;
                                fmBottom = fm.bottom;
                                fmAscent = fm.ascent;
                                fmDescent = fm.descent;
                            } else {
                                fmTop = fmBottom = fmAscent = fmDescent = 0;
                            here = endPos;
                            if (mLineCount >= mMaximumVisibleLineCount && mEllipsized) {
                    if (paraEnd == bufEnd) {
    • 这一段是对段落中的Span和这行进行处理,其中fmCache是前面PrecomputeText在测量时已经测算好的各个Span在top/bottom/ascent/descent这几个维度上的值,并缓存在fmCache中,因此在这里需要计算某个段落的字体属性时,直接从fmCache中取出即可
    if ((bufEnd == bufStart || source.charAt(bufEnd - 1) == CHAR_NEW_LINE)
                        && mLineCount < mMaximumVisibleLineCount) {
                    final MeasuredParagraph measuredPara =
                            MeasuredParagraph.buildForBidi(source, bufEnd, bufEnd, textDir, null);
                    v = out(source,
                            bufEnd, bufEnd, fm.ascent, fm.descent,
                            fm.top, fm.bottom,
                            spacingmult, spacingadd, null,
                            null, fm, 0,
                            needMultiply, measuredPara, bufEnd,
                            includepad, trackpad, addLastLineSpacing, null,
                            null, bufStart, ellipsize,
                            ellipsizedWidth, 0, paint, false);
    • 注意最后这一段的成立条件:结束为止和起始位置相等,并且前一个字符是换行符,那证明是一个新的空白段落,也需要作为一个单独的段落进行单独处理



    private int out(final CharSequence text, final int start, final int end, int above, int below,
                int top, int bottom, int v, final float spacingmult, final float spacingadd,
                final LineHeightSpan[] chooseHt, final int[] chooseHtv, final Paint.FontMetricsInt fm,
                final int flags, final boolean needMultiply, @NonNull final MeasuredParagraph measured,
                final int bufEnd, final boolean includePad, final boolean trackPad,
                final boolean addLastLineLineSpacing, final char[] chs, final float[] widths,
                final int widthStart, final TextUtils.TruncateAt ellipsize, final float ellipsisWidth,
                final float textWidth, final TextPaint paint, final boolean moreChars)


            final int j = mLineCount;
            final int off = j * mColumns;
            final int want = off + mColumns + TOP;
            int[] lines = mLines;
            final int dir = measured.getParagraphDir();
            if (want >= lines.length) {
                final int[] grow = ArrayUtils.newUnpaddedIntArray(GrowingArrayUtils.growSize(want));
                System.arraycopy(lines, 0, grow, 0, lines.length);
                mLines = grow;
                lines = grow;
            if (j >= mLineDirections.length) {
                final Directions[] grow = ArrayUtils.newUnpaddedArray(Directions.class,
                System.arraycopy(mLineDirections, 0, grow, 0, mLineDirections.length);
                mLineDirections = grow;
    • 第1部分是判断mLines/mLineDirections数组是否需要扩容以及在需要时进行扩容操作,mLines数组中存储的是每行的信息,包括每一行的信息包括START/TOP/DESCENT/HYPHEN/ELLIPSIS_START/ELLIPSIS_COUNT
            if (chooseHt != null) {
                fm.ascent = above;
                fm.descent = below;
                fm.top = top;
                fm.bottom = bottom;
                for (int i = 0; i < chooseHt.length; i++) {
                    if (chooseHt[i] instanceof LineHeightSpan.WithDensity) {
                        ((LineHeightSpan.WithDensity) chooseHt[i])
                                .chooseHeight(text, start, end, chooseHtv[i], v, fm, paint);
                    } else {
                        chooseHt[i].chooseHeight(text, start, end, chooseHtv[i], v, fm);
                above = fm.ascent;
                below = fm.descent;
                top = fm.top;
                bottom = fm.bottom;


            if (ellipsize != null) {
                // If there is only one line, then do any type of ellipsis except when it is MARQUEE
                // if there are multiple lines, just allow END ellipsis on the last line
                boolean forceEllipsis = moreChars && (mLineCount + 1 == mMaximumVisibleLineCount);
                boolean doEllipsis =
                        (((mMaximumVisibleLineCount == 1 && moreChars) || (firstLine && !moreChars)) &&
                                ellipsize != TextUtils.TruncateAt.MARQUEE) ||
                        (!firstLine && (currentLineIsTheLastVisibleOne || !moreChars) &&
                                ellipsize == TextUtils.TruncateAt.END);
                if (doEllipsis) {
                    calculateEllipsis(start, end, widths, widthStart,
                            ellipsisWidth, ellipsize, j,
                            textWidth, paint, forceEllipsis);
    • 第3部分是对省略的计算和处理
            final boolean lastLine;
            if (mEllipsized) {
                lastLine = true;
            } else {
                final boolean lastCharIsNewLine = widthStart != bufEnd && bufEnd > 0
                        && text.charAt(bufEnd - 1) == CHAR_NEW_LINE;
                if (end == bufEnd && !lastCharIsNewLine) {
                    lastLine = true;
                } else if (start == bufEnd && lastCharIsNewLine) {
                    lastLine = true;
                } else {
                    lastLine = false;
            if (firstLine) {
                if (trackPad) {
                    mTopPadding = top - above;
                if (includePad) {
                    above = top;
            int extra;
            if (lastLine) {
                if (trackPad) {
                    mBottomPadding = bottom - below;
                if (includePad) {
                    below = bottom;
            if (needMultiply && (addLastLineLineSpacing || !lastLine)) {
                double ex = (below - above) * (spacingmult - 1) + spacingadd;
                if (ex >= 0) {
                    extra = (int)(ex + EXTRA_ROUNDING);
                } else {
                    extra = -(int)(-ex + EXTRA_ROUNDING);
            } else {
                extra = 0;
    • 第4部分是对首行末行的特殊处理,因为要考虑上下留白;还有对行间距的特殊处理
          lines[off + START] = start;
            lines[off + TOP] = v;
            lines[off + DESCENT] = below + extra;
            lines[off + EXTRA] = extra;
            // special case for non-ellipsized last visible line when maxLines is set
            // store the height as if it was ellipsized
            if (!mEllipsized && currentLineIsTheLastVisibleOne) {
                // below calculation as if it was the last line
                int maxLineBelow = includePad ? bottom : below;
                // similar to the calculation of v below, without the extra.
                mMaxLineHeight = v + (maxLineBelow - above);
            v += (below - above) + extra;
            lines[off + mColumns + START] = end;
            lines[off + mColumns + TOP] = v;
            lines[off + TAB] |= flags & TAB_MASK;
            lines[off + HYPHEN] = flags;
            lines[off + DIR] |= dir << DIR_SHIFT;
            mLineDirections[j] = measured.getDirections(start - widthStart, end - widthStart);
            return v;
    • 第5部分就是将处理完的每一行的信息,都记录到lines数组中了




        public void draw(Canvas canvas, Path highlight, Paint highlightPaint,
                int cursorOffsetVertical) {
            final long lineRange = getLineRangeForDraw(canvas);
            int firstLine = TextUtils.unpackRangeStartFromLong(lineRange);
            int lastLine = TextUtils.unpackRangeEndFromLong(lineRange);
            if (lastLine < 0) return;
            drawBackground(canvas, highlight, highlightPaint, cursorOffsetVertical,
                    firstLine, lastLine);
            drawText(canvas, firstLine, lastLine);



        public void drawBackground(Canvas canvas, Path highlight, Paint highlightPaint,
                int cursorOffsetVertical, int firstLine, int lastLine) {
            // First, draw LineBackgroundSpans.
            // LineBackgroundSpans know nothing about the alignment, margins, or
            // direction of the layout or line.  XXX: Should they?
            // They are evaluated at each line.
            if (mSpannedText) {
                if (mLineBackgroundSpans == null) {
                    mLineBackgroundSpans = new SpanSet<LineBackgroundSpan>(LineBackgroundSpan.class);
                Spanned buffer = (Spanned) mText;
                int textLength = buffer.length();
                mLineBackgroundSpans.init(buffer, 0, textLength);
                if (mLineBackgroundSpans.numberOfSpans > 0) {
                    int previousLineBottom = getLineTop(firstLine);
                    int previousLineEnd = getLineStart(firstLine);
                    ParagraphStyle[] spans = NO_PARA_SPANS;
                    int spansLength = 0;
                    TextPaint paint = mPaint;
                    int spanEnd = 0;
                    final int width = mWidth;
                    for (int i = firstLine; i <= lastLine; i++) {
                        int start = previousLineEnd;
                        int end = getLineStart(i + 1);
                        previousLineEnd = end;
                        int ltop = previousLineBottom;
                        int lbottom = getLineTop(i + 1);
                        previousLineBottom = lbottom;
                        int lbaseline = lbottom - getLineDescent(i);
                        if (start >= spanEnd) {
                            // These should be infrequent, so we'll use this so that
                            // we don't have to check as often.
                            spanEnd = mLineBackgroundSpans.getNextTransition(start, textLength);
                            // All LineBackgroundSpans on a line contribute to its background.
                            spansLength = 0;
                            // Duplication of the logic of getParagraphSpans
                            if (start != end || start == 0) {
                                // Equivalent to a getSpans(start, end), but filling the 'spans' local
                                // array instead to reduce memory allocation
                                for (int j = 0; j < mLineBackgroundSpans.numberOfSpans; j++) {
                                    // equal test is valid since both intervals are not empty by
                                    // construction
                                    if (mLineBackgroundSpans.spanStarts[j] >= end ||
                                            mLineBackgroundSpans.spanEnds[j] <= start) continue;
                                    spans = GrowingArrayUtils.append(
                                            spans, spansLength, mLineBackgroundSpans.spans[j]);
                        for (int n = 0; n < spansLength; n++) {
                            LineBackgroundSpan lineBackgroundSpan = (LineBackgroundSpan) spans[n];
                            lineBackgroundSpan.drawBackground(canvas, paint, 0, width,
                                    ltop, lbaseline, lbottom,
                                    buffer, start, end, i);
            // There can be a highlight even without spans if we are drawing
            // a non-spanned transformation of a spanned editing buffer.
            if (highlight != null) {
                if (cursorOffsetVertical != 0) canvas.translate(0, cursorOffsetVertical);
                canvas.drawPath(highlight, highlightPaint);
                if (cursorOffsetVertical != 0) canvas.translate(0, -cursorOffsetVertical);
    • 代码不长,可以看到Layout的drawBackground()实际上是通过LineBackgroundSpan.drawBackground()来完成的,而LineBackgroundSpan只是一个接口,在Android源码中并没有实现类,因此drawBackground()的实际绘制效果是使用时自己定义的




                int start = previousLineEnd;
                previousLineEnd = getLineStart(lineNum + 1);
                final boolean justify = isJustificationRequired(lineNum);
                int end = getLineVisibleEnd(lineNum, start, previousLineEnd);
                int ltop = previousLineBottom;
                int lbottom = getLineTop(lineNum + 1);
                previousLineBottom = lbottom;
                int lbaseline = lbottom - getLineDescent(lineNum);
                int dir = getParagraphDirection(lineNum);
                int left = 0;
                int right = mWidth;
                if (mSpannedText) {
                    Spanned sp = (Spanned) buf;
                    int textLength = buf.length();
                    boolean isFirstParaLine = (start == 0 || buf.charAt(start - 1) == '\n');
                    // New batch of paragraph styles, collect into spans array.
                    // Compute the alignment, last alignment style wins.
                    // Reset tabStops, we'll rebuild if we encounter a line with
                    // tabs.
                    // We expect paragraph spans to be relatively infrequent, use
                    // spanEnd so that we can check less frequently.  Since
                    // paragraph styles ought to apply to entire paragraphs, we can
                    // just collect the ones present at the start of the paragraph.
                    // If spanEnd is before the end of the paragraph, that's not
                    // our problem.
                    if (start >= spanEnd && (lineNum == firstLine || isFirstParaLine)) {
                        spanEnd = sp.nextSpanTransition(start, textLength,
                        spans = getParagraphSpans(sp, start, spanEnd, ParagraphStyle.class);
                        paraAlign = mAlignment;
                        for (int n = spans.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) {
                            if (spans[n] instanceof AlignmentSpan) {
                                paraAlign = ((AlignmentSpan) spans[n]).getAlignment();
                        tabStopsIsInitialized = false;
                    // Draw all leading margin spans.  Adjust left or right according
                    // to the paragraph direction of the line.
                    final int length = spans.length;
                    boolean useFirstLineMargin = isFirstParaLine;
                    for (int n = 0; n < length; n++) {
                        if (spans[n] instanceof LeadingMarginSpan2) {
                            int count = ((LeadingMarginSpan2) spans[n]).getLeadingMarginLineCount();
                            int startLine = getLineForOffset(sp.getSpanStart(spans[n]));
                            // if there is more than one LeadingMarginSpan2, use
                            // the count that is greatest
                            if (lineNum < startLine + count) {
                                useFirstLineMargin = true;
                    for (int n = 0; n < length; n++) {
                        if (spans[n] instanceof LeadingMarginSpan) {
                            LeadingMarginSpan margin = (LeadingMarginSpan) spans[n];
                            if (dir == DIR_RIGHT_TO_LEFT) {
                                margin.drawLeadingMargin(canvas, paint, right, dir, ltop,
                                                         lbaseline, lbottom, buf,
                                                         start, end, isFirstParaLine, this);
                                right -= margin.getLeadingMargin(useFirstLineMargin);
                            } else {
                                margin.drawLeadingMargin(canvas, paint, left, dir, ltop,
                                                         lbaseline, lbottom, buf,
                                                         start, end, isFirstParaLine, this);
                                left += margin.getLeadingMargin(useFirstLineMargin);
    • 第1部分,主要是判断是不是Spanned,是的话需要获取影响ParagraphStyle的Span,然后判断其中是否有LeadingMarginSpan,有的话会调用其drawLeadingMargin()方法来绘制其段首的缩进效果
                boolean hasTab = getLineContainsTab(lineNum);
                // Can't tell if we have tabs for sure, currently
                if (hasTab && !tabStopsIsInitialized) {
                    if (tabStops == null) {
                        tabStops = new TabStops(TAB_INCREMENT, spans);
                    } else {
                        tabStops.reset(TAB_INCREMENT, spans);
                    tabStopsIsInitialized = true;
                // Determine whether the line aligns to normal, opposite, or center.
                Alignment align = paraAlign;
                if (align == Alignment.ALIGN_LEFT) {
                    align = (dir == DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) ?
                        Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL : Alignment.ALIGN_OPPOSITE;
                } else if (align == Alignment.ALIGN_RIGHT) {
                    align = (dir == DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) ?
                        Alignment.ALIGN_OPPOSITE : Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL;
                int x;
                final int indentWidth;
                if (align == Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL) {
                    if (dir == DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) {
                        indentWidth = getIndentAdjust(lineNum, Alignment.ALIGN_LEFT);
                        x = left + indentWidth;
                    } else {
                        indentWidth = -getIndentAdjust(lineNum, Alignment.ALIGN_RIGHT);
                        x = right - indentWidth;
                } else {
                    int max = (int)getLineExtent(lineNum, tabStops, false);
                    if (align == Alignment.ALIGN_OPPOSITE) {
                        if (dir == DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) {
                            indentWidth = -getIndentAdjust(lineNum, Alignment.ALIGN_RIGHT);
                            x = right - max - indentWidth;
                        } else {
                            indentWidth = getIndentAdjust(lineNum, Alignment.ALIGN_LEFT);
                            x = left - max + indentWidth;
                    } else { // Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER
                        indentWidth = getIndentAdjust(lineNum, Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER);
                        max = max & ~1;
                        x = ((right + left - max) >> 1) + indentWidth;
                Directions directions = getLineDirections(lineNum);
    • 第2部分,确定该行中是否有Tab,以及对其方式
               if (directions == DIRS_ALL_LEFT_TO_RIGHT && !mSpannedText && !hasTab && !justify) {
                    // XXX: assumes there's nothing additional to be done
                    canvas.drawText(buf, start, end, x, lbaseline, paint);
                } else {
                    tl.set(paint, buf, start, end, dir, directions, hasTab, tabStops);
                    if (justify) {
                        tl.justify(right - left - indentWidth);
                    tl.draw(canvas, x, ltop, lbaseline, lbottom);
    • 第3部分,根据前面的信息,如果是布局从左到右并且是普通文本而且没有tab而且不需要对齐,则调用canvas.drawText来绘制,否则调用的是TextLine的draw()方法来进行绘制



          本文标题:Android TextView源码浅析之Layout
