kubenate翻译--BROWSE DOCS 浏览文档

kubenate翻译--BROWSE DOCS 浏览文档

作者: 泰_3fa6 | 来源:发表于2018-06-18 22:28 被阅读0次

    Kubernetes Documentation Kubernetes文档

    01 - Contributing to the Kubernetes Docs  贡献文档

    02 - Supported Versions of the Kubernetes Documentation Kubernetes支持版本的文档

    Accessing the API  访问API

    01 - Building High-Availability Clusters  构建高可用性集群

    02 - Building Large Clusters  构建大型集群

    03 - Configuring Kubernetes with Salt  配置Kubernetes用Salt 

    04 - Kubelet authentication/authorization  Kubelet认证/授权

    05 - Running in Multiple Zones  运行在多个区域

    06 - TLS bootstrapping  TLS引导

    07 - Validate Node Setup    验证节点设置

    Setup 设置

    01 - Bootstrapping Clusters with kubeadm   用kubeadm引导集群

    02 - Turnkey Cloud Solutions  Turnkey云解决方案

    03 - On-Premises VMs 本地虚拟机

    04 - Custom Cloud Solutions  定制的云解决方案

    05 - Building from Source 

    06 - Creating a Custom Cluster from Scratch 从头开始创建一个定制集群

    07 - Picking the Right Solution 选择正确的解决方案

    08 - Running Kubernetes Locally via Minikube 通过Minikube在本地运行Kubernetes

    Concepts 概念

    01 - Overview 综述

    02 - Compute, Storage, and Networking Extensions  计算、存储和网络扩展

    03 - Kubernetes Architecture Kubernetes架构

    04 - Extending Kubernetes  扩展Kubernetes

    05 - Containers  容器

    06 - Workloads 工作负荷

    07 - Configuration 配置

    08 - Services, Load Balancing, and Networking

    09 - Storage

    10 - Policies 政策

    Independent Solutions 独立解

    01 - Bare Metal 裸金属

    02 - Kubernetes on Ubuntu 在Ubuntu Kubernete

    03 - Deprecated Alternatives  eprecated替代品


    01 - Install Tools  安装工具

    02 - Configure Pods and Containers

    03 - Administer a Cluster  管理一个集群

    04 - Inject Data Into Applications

    05 - Run Applications

    06 - Run Jobs

    07 - Access Applications in a Cluster  集群中的访问应用程序

    08 - Monitor, Log, and Debug

    09 - Extend Kubernetes

    10 - TLS  传输层安全(Transport Layer Security)

    11 - Federation - Run an App on Multiple Clusters  联合——在多个集群上运行一个应用程序

    12 - Manage Cluster Daemons  集群管理守护进程

    13 - Install Service Catalog 安装服务目录

    14 - Federation - Run an App on Multiple Clusters  联合——在多个集群上运行一个应用程序

    15 - Extend kubectl with plugins  使用插件扩展kubectl

    16 - Manage HugePages 管理HugePages

    17 - Schedule GPUs


    01 - Hello Minikube

    02 - Kubernetes Basics

    03 - Online Training Courses

    04 - Configuration

    05 - Stateless Applications

    06 - Stateful Applications

    07 - Clusters

    08 - Services

    09 - Kubernetes 101

    10 - Kubernetes 201

    Reference Documentation  参考文献

    01 - Standardized Glossary

    02 - Kubernetes Issues and Security

    03 - Using the Kubernetes API

    04 - Accessing the API

    05 - API Reference

    06 - Federation API

    07 - Setup tools reference

    08 - Command line tools reference

    09 - kubectl CLI

    10 - Tools

    Imported Docs

    01 - Community

    02 - Downloading Kubernetes



          本文标题:kubenate翻译--BROWSE DOCS 浏览文档
