OTC:Over-the-counter (OTC) products
ETD:Exchange Traded Derivatives
REPO: Repurchase Agreements / Reverse Repurchase Agreements
BSB: Buy Sell Backs / Sell Buy Backs
SBL: Securities & Commodities Borrowing & Lending
PB ML: Prime Brokerage Margin Lending
Cyclical Stocks: 周期股,它们的涨跌与经济周期同向
Companies that have cyclical stocks include car manufacturers, airlines, furniture retailers, clothing stores, hotels, and restaurants. When the economy is doing well, people can afford to buy new cars, upgrade their homes, shop, and travel. When the economy does poorly, these discretionary expenses are some of the first things consumers cut. If a recession is severe enough, cyclical stocks can become completely worthless, and companies may go out of business.
Cyclical stocks e.g. financials and industrials