每日一词 134 l variant
1- something that is slightly different from the usual form of something.
Meituan, Pinduoduo, and similar products are simply a number of variant of the same idea,
2- A is a variant of B
Color is a spelling variant of Colour.
Pages , an app by Apple, is a variant of / on B word, a widely used word processor by Microsoft.
A card game is just a variant on Shengji.
Variant of that once-fringe idea are now common.
Many colas s in market are the variants of Coca cola.
- There are many colas on the market, all variants on the original drink.
- There are many colas on the market, all variants of the original Coca cola drink.
Chinese Shufa has many variants on handwriting.
This romantic book tells us one variant of that once-forbidden love..