【Unit 9-1】 出去吃饭

【Unit 9-1】 出去吃饭

作者: 乐玩兔 | 来源:发表于2020-01-26 17:06 被阅读0次
    • 预订晚餐
    • 点餐
    • 用餐时礼貌交谈
    • 结束用餐和买单


    • I am wondering if you serve food that's locally grown.
    • We were hoping for a 6 o'clock reservation.
    • I would like to make a reservation for Sunday evening.
    • How may I help you?
    • Six-fifteen would work just fine.
    • Could you give us a nonsmoking table?


    • word
    oysters 牡蛎
    green beans 青豆
    dressing 调料
    oil and vinegar 油和醋
    Mashed,baked or french fries 土豆泥烤土豆还是法式炸薯条?
    T-bone steak T骨牛排
    sparkling mineral water 发泡矿泉水
    asparagus 芦笋
    shrimp salad 虾仁沙拉
    lasagna 卤汁宽面


    cappuccinu 卡布奇诺
    fat-free milk 脱脂牛奶
    lemon sorbet 柠檬冰沙
    black coffe no suger 无糖黑咖啡
    cherry tart 樱桃馅饼
    espresso 意大利特浓咖啡
    creme brulee 焦糖布丁
    brownie 巧克力蛋糕
    bread pudding 面包布丁
    cheesecake 乳酪蛋糕
    tart 馅饼
    sundae 圣代冰淇淋


    对话 翻译
    would you like anyting else? 你还想要点别的吗?
    No,thanks.Just the check. 不了,谢谢
    Could we have the check please? 可以麻烦给我们买单吗
    The meal's on me. 这顿饭我请
    That's very gerenous.I appreciate it. 你真大方,非常感谢
    I'll take it. 我来请
    You don't have to do that 你不必这么做
    I insist .You are my guest. 一定得让我请,你是我的客人
    Well,if you insist.Thanks. 那好吧,如果你坚持的话,谢谢
    It was lovely seeing you again. 很高兴再次见到你
    Next time,in Bangkok 下次在曼谷吗?
    Enjoy the rest of your stay. 享受你剩余的逗留的时间
    Let's keep in touch. 保持联系
    Take care. 保重
    you too. 你也是



          本文标题:【Unit 9-1】 出去吃饭
