词为我用 - antidote

词为我用 - antidote

作者: b5438e0615f9 | 来源:发表于2021-06-27 21:03 被阅读0次


    antidote TEM8  GRE

    UK  /ˈæn.ti.dəʊt/ US  /ˈæn.t̬i.doʊt/

    1. noun, An antidote is a chemical substance that stops or controls the effect of a poison. 解毒药,解毒剂

    2. noun, Something that is an antidote to a difficult or unpleasant situation helps you to overcome the situation. 矫正方法,对抗手段



    1. But it also soon became evident how needed drive-in entertainment is in the age of the coronavirus — not just as a replacement for the real thing but as an actual antidote to these times.(Washington Post)

    2. “The antidote to dismissive positivity is just to really listen to what someone is experiencing,” Dr. Abrams said.(New York Times)

    3. The right antidote for not doing any of the right things for too long is not to do too much of the wrong thing too fast.(Washington Post)

    4. All through February and early March, the voices of doctors and nurses on social media provided a vital antidote to those of confused and complacent political leaders embodied by President Trump.(New York Times)

    5. They also see the Midwest as an antidote to the scalding-hot tech market on the West Coast.(Seattle Times)

    6. It would also end domestic sourcing requirements for more complicated goods such as buses, submarine piping valves, solar panel components and injectable antidotes for chemical weapons.(Washington Post)

    7. She believes viewers are turning to TLC’s upbeat fare as an antidote to the divisiveness and anger they see on the news.(Los Angeles Times)

    8. At least one expert sees these efforts as an antidote to the stress of traveling.(New York Times)

    9. In communities particularly hard-hit by drug overdoses, places such as schools, libraries and coffee shops are keeping the antidote on hand.(Washington Post)

    10. Donald Trump built his campaign on his experience in the business world, framing his outsider candidacy as the antidote needed to cure what he described as an ailing economy. (Los Angeles Times)

    11. The powers that emerged victorious from World War II championed globalization as the antidote to future conflicts.(New York Times)

    12. “Pull,” a splendidly iconoclastic antidote to traditional American corporate culture, means moving away from hub-and-spoke networks where knowledge was selfishly guarded to mesh networks that favor collaboration.(Time)


    antidote for, to 

    natural, effective, good, perfect, potent, powerful, bracing, refreshing, welcome antidote

    act as, serve as, offer, provide,administer, give antidote


    antidotal, antidotes


    "remedy counteracting poison," early 15c. (c. 1400 as antidotum), from Old French antidot and directly from Latin antidotum/antidotus "a remedy against poison," from Greek antidoton (pharmakon) "(drug) given as a remedy," from antidoton literally "given against," verbal adjective of antididonai "give for" (also "give in return, give instead of") from anti "against" (see anti-) + didonai "to give" (from PIE root *do- "to give"). Compare Middle English antidotarie "treatise on drugs or medicines" (c. 1400).


    corrective, curative, cure, rectifier, remedy, therapeutic, therapy


    disease, poison, toxin, venom, toxicant, venin



        本文标题:词为我用 - antidote
