

作者: 小贴贴七夏 | 来源:发表于2017-12-25 19:05 被阅读56次

唱诗:诗篇32:1, 2

谁能知道自己的错失呢?愿你赦免我隐而未现的过错。(诗篇 19:12)



今天的经文便以这个提问开始,“谁能知道自己的错失呢?” 答案当然是:我们没有一个人可以真正了解堕落的深度。我们知道,我们是全然败坏的,因为神如此告诉我们,但是我们却无法知晓它真正的程度。




January 16
Psalm 32
Song: Psalm 32:1, 2


Who can discern his errors? Forgive my hidden faults. (Psalm 19:12)

There are sins that we purposely keep hidden, do not confess, and continue to do. In Psalm 32, David writes about iniquity that he tried to cover up. He was working with the false premise that God did not see his sins, and that people around him did not know either. 

In Psalm 19:12, we read about "hidden faults". Are these the sins that we try to cover up, like David did? Many would argue that these "hidden faults" are not the sins that we hide, but those that we do not even see ourselves. After all, can we gauge the depth of our own sinfulness?

Today's text begins with the question, "Who can discern his errors?" The answer is , of course ,that not one of us truly fathoms the depth of our depravity. We know that we are totally depraved, because the Word of God tells us so, but we are unable to discern the real extent of it.

Our "hidden faults" are the sins that we ourselves do not even see and that are very hard to distinguish. We are more corrupt that we know. We only begin to receive some idea of our depravity when we let the light of God's Word shine over our lives and let the Spirit make it transparent for us. We will never see the extent of our sinfulness by ourselves.

Yet this should not cause us to despair, for we also know hat our total depravity is covered by the perfect righteousness of Christ. Our savior has given us more than we know.

Question: Why is it important for us to know our depravity and sinfulness?


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