Android bindService源码解析

Android bindService源码解析

作者: Android_Jian | 来源:发表于2019-02-24 13:35 被阅读0次


这里先放上一张笔者绘制的流程图,大家可以先整体过一遍: bindService流程图.png


public class MainActivity extends Activity {

    private ServiceConnection mConnection = new ServiceConnection() {
        public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) {


        public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) {


    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, TestService.class);
        bindService(intent, mConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);


    public boolean bindService(Intent service, ServiceConnection conn,
            int flags) {
        return mBase.bindService(service, conn, flags);

可以看到 ContextWrapper类的bindService方法直接调用到 mBase.bindService方法,mBase其实就是ContextImpl实例,所以我们跟进去ContextImpl的bindService方法:

    public boolean bindService(Intent service, ServiceConnection conn,
            int flags) {
        return bindServiceCommon(service, conn, flags, mMainThread.getHandler(),


   private boolean bindServiceCommon(Intent service, ServiceConnection conn, int flags, Handler
            handler, UserHandle user) {
        // Keep this in sync with DevicePolicyManager.bindDeviceAdminServiceAsUser.
        IServiceConnection sd;
        if (conn == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("connection is null");
        if (mPackageInfo != null) {
            //1.重点 将 ServiceConnection对象转换成ServiceDispatcher.InnerConnection对象
            sd = mPackageInfo.getServiceDispatcher(conn, getOuterContext(), handler, flags);
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("Not supported in system context");
        try {
            IBinder token = getActivityToken();
            if (token == null && (flags&BIND_AUTO_CREATE) == 0 && mPackageInfo != null
                    && mPackageInfo.getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion
                    < android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) {
                flags |= BIND_WAIVE_PRIORITY;
            //2.重点 IPC操作,最终调用到ActivityManagerService的bindService方法
            int res = ActivityManager.getService().bindService(
                mMainThread.getApplicationThread(), getActivityToken(), service,
                sd, flags, getOpPackageName(), user.getIdentifier());
            if (res < 0) {
                throw new SecurityException(
                        "Not allowed to bind to service " + service);
            return res != 0;
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            throw e.rethrowFromSystemServer();

上述代码重点部分已经做了标注,我们首先看下 1处,1处调用到 mPackageInfo.getServiceDispatcher方法,将 ServiceConnection对象转换成ServiceDispatcher.InnerConnection对象,我们跟进去看下:

    public final IServiceConnection getServiceDispatcher(ServiceConnection c,
            Context context, Handler handler, int flags) {
        synchronized (mServices) {
            LoadedApk.ServiceDispatcher sd = null;
            ArrayMap<ServiceConnection, LoadedApk.ServiceDispatcher> map = mServices.get(context);
            if (map != null) {
                if (DEBUG) Slog.d(TAG, "Returning existing dispatcher " + sd + " for conn " + c);
                sd = map.get(c);
            if (sd == null) {
                //1. 重点!
                sd = new ServiceDispatcher(c, context, handler, flags);
                if (DEBUG) Slog.d(TAG, "Creating new dispatcher " + sd + " for conn " + c);
                if (map == null) {
                    map = new ArrayMap<>();
                    mServices.put(context, map);
                map.put(c, sd);
            } else {
                sd.validate(context, handler);
            //2. 获得 ServiceDispatcher.InnerConnection实例
            return sd.getIServiceConnection();

上述方法中涉及到了 mServices,我们先来看下它的定义:

private final ArrayMap<Context, ArrayMap<ServiceConnection, LoadedApk.ServiceDispatcher>> mServices
        = new ArrayMap<>();

mServices就是一个ArrayMap,它存储了一个应用当前活动的 ServiceConnection和 ServiceDispatcher之间的映射关系。

可以看到在 1处创建了ServiceDispatcher对象,我们跟进去构造方法看下:

static final class ServiceDispatcher {

       private final ServiceDispatcher.InnerConnection mIServiceConnection;
       private final ServiceConnection mConnection;
       private final Context mContext;
       private final Handler mActivityThread;

       ServiceDispatcher(ServiceConnection conn,
                Context context, Handler activityThread, int flags) {
            mIServiceConnection = new InnerConnection(this);
            mConnection = conn;
            mContext = context;
            mActivityThread = activityThread;
            mLocation = new ServiceConnectionLeaked(null);
            mFlags = flags;

在ServiceDispatcher的构造方法中,首先创建了InnerConnection对象,并赋值给它的成员变量mIServiceConnection,接着将ServiceConnection 对象conn赋值给成员变量mConnection ,将ActivityThread类中的Handler H mH赋值给mActivityThread 成员变量。

我们接着跟进去 InnerConnection类去看下:

    private static class InnerConnection extends IServiceConnection.Stub {
        final WeakReference<LoadedApk.ServiceDispatcher> mDispatcher;

        InnerConnection(LoadedApk.ServiceDispatcher sd) {
            mDispatcher = new WeakReference<LoadedApk.ServiceDispatcher>(sd);

        public void connected(ComponentName name, IBinder service, boolean dead)
                throws RemoteException {
            LoadedApk.ServiceDispatcher sd = mDispatcher.get();
            if (sd != null) {
                sd.connected(name, service, dead);

InnerConnection为ServiceDispatcher中的静态内部类,继承自 IServiceConnection.Stub,很显然,它是一个binder对象。类似于ApplicationThread,InnerConnection中的方法是运行在客户端进程中的Binder线程池中的,它主要参与Service绑定后ServiceConnection 中onServiceConnected方法的回调过程。可以看到在InnerConnection的构造方法中只是对外部传入的ServiceDispatcher对象通过WeakReference做了一次封装,使得InnerConnection对象持有ServiceDispatcher对象的引用,方便后续操作。

好了,我们回过头看下getServiceDispatcher方法的 2处,可以看到在 2处调用到ServiceDispatcher对象的getIServiceConnection()方法,我们跟进去看下:

    IServiceConnection getIServiceConnection() {
         return mIServiceConnection;

方法中直接将mIServiceConnection return掉,mIServiceConnection不就是我们之前在ServiceDispatcher构造方法中创建的InnerConnection 对象嘛(Binder实例),是的没错!


    public int bindService(IApplicationThread caller, IBinder token, Intent service,
            String resolvedType, IServiceConnection connection, int flags, String callingPackage,
            int userId) throws TransactionTooLargeException {

        // Refuse possible leaked file descriptors
        if (service != null && service.hasFileDescriptors() == true) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("File descriptors passed in Intent");

        if (callingPackage == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("callingPackage cannot be null");

        synchronized(this) {
            return mServices.bindServiceLocked(caller, token, service,
                    resolvedType, connection, flags, callingPackage, userId);


    int bindServiceLocked(IApplicationThread caller, IBinder token, Intent service,
            String resolvedType, final IServiceConnection connection, int flags,
            String callingPackage, final int userId) throws TransactionTooLargeException {

        final ProcessRecord callerApp = mAm.getRecordForAppLocked(caller);
        if (callerApp == null) {
            throw new SecurityException(
                    "Unable to find app for caller " + caller
                    + " (pid=" + Binder.getCallingPid()
                    + ") when binding service " + service);


       //创建 ServiceRecord对象并关联到新创建的ServiceLookupResult对象
       ServiceLookupResult res =
            retrieveServiceLocked(service, resolvedType, callingPackage, Binder.getCallingPid(),
                    Binder.getCallingUid(), userId, true, callerFg, isBindExternal);
        if (res == null) {
            return 0;
        if (res.record == null) {
            return -1;
        //通过res.record获取到创建的ServiceRecord对象并赋值给 ServiceRecord s变量
        ServiceRecord s = res.record;

           //调用ServiceRecord 的retrieveAppBindingLocked方法,
           AppBindRecord b = s.retrieveAppBindingLocked(service, callerApp);
            //创建ConnectionRecord对象,将 IServiceConnection connection赋值给conn成员变量
            ConnectionRecord c = new ConnectionRecord(b, activity,
                    connection, flags, clientLabel, clientIntent);

            IBinder binder = connection.asBinder();
            ArrayList<ConnectionRecord> clist = s.connections.get(binder);
            if (clist == null) {
                clist = new ArrayList<ConnectionRecord>();
                s.connections.put(binder, clist);
            if (activity != null) {
                if (activity.connections == null) {
                    activity.connections = new HashSet<ConnectionRecord>();
            if ((c.flags&Context.BIND_ABOVE_CLIENT) != 0) {
                b.client.hasAboveClient = true;
            if ((c.flags&Context.BIND_ALLOW_WHITELIST_MANAGEMENT) != 0) {
                s.whitelistManager = true;
            if (s.app != null) {
                updateServiceClientActivitiesLocked(s.app, c, true);
            clist = mServiceConnections.get(binder);
            if (clist == null) {
                clist = new ArrayList<ConnectionRecord>();
                mServiceConnections.put(binder, clist);

            if ((flags&Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE) != 0) {
                s.lastActivity = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
                if (bringUpServiceLocked(s, service.getFlags(), callerFg, false,
                        permissionsReviewRequired) != null) {
                    return 0;

我们跟进去ActiveServices 中的 bringUpServiceLocked方法去看下:

  private String bringUpServiceLocked(ServiceRecord r, int intentFlags, boolean execInFg,
            boolean whileRestarting, boolean permissionsReviewRequired)
            throws TransactionTooLargeException {


      if (app != null && app.thread != null) {
                try {
                    app.addPackage(r.appInfo.packageName, r.appInfo.versionCode, mAm.mProcessStats);
                    realStartServiceLocked(r, app, execInFg);
                    return null;
                } catch (TransactionTooLargeException e) {
                    throw e;
                } catch (RemoteException e) {
                    Slog.w(TAG, "Exception when starting service " + r.shortName, e);

                // If a dead object exception was thrown -- fall through to
                // restart the application.



private final void realStartServiceLocked(ServiceRecord r,
            ProcessRecord app, boolean execInFg) throws RemoteException {
        if (app.thread == null) {
            throw new RemoteException();
        if (DEBUG_MU)
            Slog.v(TAG_MU, "realStartServiceLocked, ServiceRecord.uid = " + r.appInfo.uid
                    + ", ProcessRecord.uid = " + app.uid);
        r.app = app;
        r.restartTime = r.lastActivity = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();

        final boolean newService = app.services.add(r);
        bumpServiceExecutingLocked(r, execInFg, "create");
        mAm.updateLruProcessLocked(app, false, null);
        updateServiceForegroundLocked(r.app, /* oomAdj= */ false);

        boolean created = false;
        try {
            if (LOG_SERVICE_START_STOP) {
                String nameTerm;
                int lastPeriod = r.shortName.lastIndexOf('.');
                nameTerm = lastPeriod >= 0 ? r.shortName.substring(lastPeriod) : r.shortName;
                        r.userId, System.identityHashCode(r), nameTerm, r.app.uid, r.app.pid);
            synchronized (r.stats.getBatteryStats()) {
            //1.重点 发起SystemServer进程到客户端进程的单向IPC操作,创建Service对象并调用其onCreate方法
            app.thread.scheduleCreateService(r, r.serviceInfo,
            created = true;
        } catch (DeadObjectException e) {
            Slog.w(TAG, "Application dead when creating service " + r);
            throw e;
        } finally {
            if (!created) {
                // Keep the executeNesting count accurate.
                final boolean inDestroying = mDestroyingServices.contains(r);
                serviceDoneExecutingLocked(r, inDestroying, inDestroying);

                // Cleanup.
                if (newService) {
                    r.app = null;

                // Retry.
                if (!inDestroying) {
                    scheduleServiceRestartLocked(r, false);

        if (r.whitelistManager) {
            app.whitelistManager = true;
        requestServiceBindingsLocked(r, execInFg);

        updateServiceClientActivitiesLocked(app, null, true);

        //3.若当前Service的启动方式为startService,则新创建一个ServiceRecord.StartItem对象并添加到ServiceRecord对象 r的pendingStarts集合中
        if (r.startRequested && r.callStart && r.pendingStarts.size() == 0) {
            r.pendingStarts.add(new ServiceRecord.StartItem(r, false, r.makeNextStartId(),
                    null, null, 0));
        //4.若当前Service的启动方式为startService,则回调当前Service对象的 onStartCommand方法
        sendServiceArgsLocked(r, execInFg, true);

        if (r.delayed) {
            if (DEBUG_DELAYED_STARTS) Slog.v(TAG_SERVICE, "REM FR DELAY LIST (new proc): " + r);
            r.delayed = false;

        if (r.delayedStop) {
            // Oh and hey we've already been asked to stop!
            r.delayedStop = false;
            if (r.startRequested) {
                if (DEBUG_DELAYED_STARTS) Slog.v(TAG_SERVICE,
                        "Applying delayed stop (from start): " + r);

1处发起SystemServer进程到客户端进程的单向IPC操作,创建Service对象并调用其onCreate方法,上节课startService方式的时候我们已经分析过了,这里就不再赘述了。由于当前Service的启动方式为bindService,所以3处if条件不满足,导致ServiceRecord r的pendingStarts集合为empty,之后4处调用到sendServiceArgsLocked方法,在 sendServiceArgsLocked方法内部获取到pendingStarts.size()为0直接return掉了,至此当前Service对象的 onStartCommand方法并不会被回调。这也就解释了我们通过bindService的方式启动Service,onStartCommand方法并不会被回调的原因。好了,我们现在的重点放在 2处的 requestServiceBindingsLocked方法:

   private final void requestServiceBindingsLocked(ServiceRecord r, boolean execInFg)
            throws TransactionTooLargeException {
        for (int i=r.bindings.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
            IntentBindRecord ibr = r.bindings.valueAt(i);
            if (!requestServiceBindingLocked(r, ibr, execInFg, false)) {

这里我同样要解释一下,当我们通过bindService的方式启动Service时,会对ServiceRecord r.bindings集合进行put操作,put操作的位置我们上述代码中有提及到,不记得的小伙伴可以回过头看下。这样子就导致r.bindings.size()不为0,会调用到for循环中的 requestServiceBindingLocked方法,而当我们通过startService的方式启动Service时,r.bindings.size()为0,for循环条件不满足直接退出。这也就解释了我们通过StartService的方式启动Service时,Service的onBind方法不会回调的原因。

private final boolean requestServiceBindingLocked(ServiceRecord r, IntentBindRecord i,
            boolean execInFg, boolean rebind) throws TransactionTooLargeException {
        if (r.app == null || r.app.thread == null) {
            // If service is not currently running, can't yet bind.
            return false;
        if (DEBUG_SERVICE) Slog.d(TAG_SERVICE, "requestBind " + i + ": requested=" + i.requested
                + " rebind=" + rebind);
        if ((!i.requested || rebind) && i.apps.size() > 0) {
            try {
                bumpServiceExecutingLocked(r, execInFg, "bind");

                r.app.thread.scheduleBindService(r, i.intent.getIntent(), rebind,
                if (!rebind) {
                    i.requested = true;
                i.hasBound = true;
                i.doRebind = false;
            } catch (TransactionTooLargeException e) {
                // Keep the executeNesting count accurate.
                if (DEBUG_SERVICE) Slog.v(TAG_SERVICE, "Crashed while binding " + r, e);
                final boolean inDestroying = mDestroyingServices.contains(r);
                serviceDoneExecutingLocked(r, inDestroying, inDestroying);
                throw e;
            } catch (RemoteException e) {
                if (DEBUG_SERVICE) Slog.v(TAG_SERVICE, "Crashed while binding " + r);
                // Keep the executeNesting count accurate.
                final boolean inDestroying = mDestroyingServices.contains(r);
                serviceDoneExecutingLocked(r, inDestroying, inDestroying);
                return false;
        return true;


private void handleBindService(BindServiceData data) {
        Service s = mServices.get(data.token);
        if (DEBUG_SERVICE)
            Slog.v(TAG, "handleBindService s=" + s + " rebind=" + data.rebind);
        if (s != null) {
            try {
                try {
                    if (!data.rebind) {
                        IBinder binder = s.onBind(data.intent);
                        //3.重点 IPC 操作,最终调用到AMS的publishService方法
                                data.token, data.intent, binder);
                    } else {
                                data.token, SERVICE_DONE_EXECUTING_ANON, 0, 0);
                } catch (RemoteException ex) {
                    throw ex.rethrowFromSystemServer();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                if (!mInstrumentation.onException(s, e)) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(
                            "Unable to bind to service " + s
                            + " with " + data.intent + ": " + e.toString(), e);

可以看到 2处回调了当前Service对象的onBind方法,接着看下3处,我们跟进去AMS的publishService方法:

    public void publishService(IBinder token, Intent intent, IBinder service) {
        // Refuse possible leaked file descriptors
        if (intent != null && intent.hasFileDescriptors() == true) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("File descriptors passed in Intent");

        synchronized(this) {
            if (!(token instanceof ServiceRecord)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid service token");
            mServices.publishServiceLocked((ServiceRecord)token, intent, service);


    void publishServiceLocked(ServiceRecord r, Intent intent, IBinder service) {
                  try {
                          //重点!IPC操作,最终会调用到InnerConnection 对象的connected方法,该方法运行在客户端的binder线程池中
                          c.conn.connected(r.name, service, false);
                      } catch (Exception e) {
                          Slog.w(TAG, "Failure sending service " + r.name +
                                " to connection " + c.conn.asBinder() +
                                " (in " + c.binding.client.processName + ")", e);

我们看到在 ActiveServices的publishServiceLocked方法中发起了IPC操作,最终会调用到InnerConnection 对象的connected方法,该方法运行在客户端的binder线程池中,我们跟过去看下:

   private static class InnerConnection extends IServiceConnection.Stub {
        final WeakReference<LoadedApk.ServiceDispatcher> mDispatcher;

        InnerConnection(LoadedApk.ServiceDispatcher sd) {
            mDispatcher = new WeakReference<LoadedApk.ServiceDispatcher>(sd);

        public void connected(ComponentName name, IBinder service, boolean dead)
                throws RemoteException {           
            LoadedApk.ServiceDispatcher sd = mDispatcher.get();
            if (sd != null) {
                //重点 这里传过来的dead为false
                sd.connected(name, service, dead);

可以看到在InnerConnection 对象的connected方法中调用到ServiceDispatcher 的connected方法,我们跟进去:

    public void connected(ComponentName name, IBinder service, boolean dead) {
          if (mActivityThread != null) {
              mActivityThread.post(new RunConnection(name, service, 0, dead));
          } else {
              doConnected(name, service, dead);

我们刚有讲过,在ServiceDispatcher的构造方法中,将ActivityThread类中的Handler H mH赋值给mActivityThread 成员变量,所以这里调用到mH的post方法切换到主线程,我们跟进去RunConnection对象的run方法:

      private final class RunConnection implements Runnable {
            RunConnection(ComponentName name, IBinder service, int command, boolean dead) {
                mName = name;
                mService = service;
                mCommand = command;
                mDead = dead;

            public void run() {
                //这里传入的mCommand 为0,会调用doConnected方法
                if (mCommand == 0) {
                    doConnected(mName, mService, mDead);
                } else if (mCommand == 1) {
                    doDeath(mName, mService);

            final ComponentName mName;
            final IBinder mService;
            final int mCommand;
            final boolean mDead;


      public void doConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service, boolean dead) {
            ServiceDispatcher.ConnectionInfo old;
            ServiceDispatcher.ConnectionInfo info;

            synchronized (this) {
                if (mForgotten) {
                    // We unbound before receiving the connection; ignore
                    // any connection received.
                old = mActiveConnections.get(name);
                if (old != null && old.binder == service) {
                    // Huh, already have this one.  Oh well!

                if (service != null) {
                    // A new service is being connected... set it all up.
                    info = new ConnectionInfo();
                    info.binder = service;
                    info.deathMonitor = new DeathMonitor(name, service);
                    try {
                        service.linkToDeath(info.deathMonitor, 0);
                        mActiveConnections.put(name, info);
                    } catch (RemoteException e) {
                        // This service was dead before we got it...  just
                        // don't do anything with it.

                } else {
                    // The named service is being disconnected... clean up.

                if (old != null) {
                    old.binder.unlinkToDeath(old.deathMonitor, 0);

            // If there was an old service, it is now disconnected.
            if (old != null) {
            if (dead) {
            // If there is a new service, it is now connected.
            if (service != null) {
                mConnection.onServiceConnected(name, service);





      本文标题:Android bindService源码解析
