
作者: 刘梦园数学4班 | 来源:发表于2017-12-21 12:12 被阅读0次

    <TITLE>:College Is Not An Ivory Tower

    [TOPIC:]College students are facing a lot of pressure ,They are not easily

    〔Subtopic1]The first is that college students are under economic pressure

    〔Subtopic2〕 The second aspect is that college students face employment pressure

    <TITLE>Why I like to learn English

    [TOPIC〕Englisn can acquire a English can help us communicate well

    〔Subtopic 1]English is the universal language in the world. Learning English can help us communicate well

    〔Subtopic2]English is easier to learn than other sounds

    <TITLE>:My parent's love for me

    [TOPIC:]Father and mother have different expressions of love for me

    〔Subtopic1]Father will tell me some truth when I make a mistake, will not scold me

    〔Subtopic2]My mother will criticize me when I make a mistake

    <TITLE>Dose you have these traits

    [TOPIC:]How to possess these excellent qualities, such as self-confidence and strength

    〔Subtopic1]Stay confident, believe in what you can do, and stick to it

    〔Subtopic2]Don't give up when you encounter setbacks. If you persist, you will succeed

    <TITLE>:Why are  the moral values current decline

    [TOPIC:]Part of human nature

    〔Subtopic1]Integrity is very important, perhaps due to various pressures, resulting in people becoming more and more dishonest

    〔Subtopic2]People only watch the incident as  onlookers who arw unware of the facts atcthe time of the incident.



