2024-01-10 Request for acknowled

2024-01-10 Request for acknowled

作者: 木金木水火土的木 | 来源:发表于2024-01-09 22:50 被阅读0次

As agreedby the Employer and the Contractor, the Acceleration Plan has been successfullyprepared and submitted to the Employer for his review and decision. In viewingrounds of discussion have been conducted between both parties, the Employer isquite satisfied with the Acceleration Plan. However, the acceleration agreementis not yet finalized between both parties due to pending commercial points. Wethink it's the right time for the Employer to acknowledge and confirm theAcceleration Plan. The reasons are as follows:

(i)Since November 2023, we've mobilized most of the resources mentioned in theAcceleration Plan despite that the Acceleration Plan had not been approved,which is enough to prove our reliability. On the other hand, the result is alsofruitful, in December 2023, we over completed the WTG concrete pouring works aswell as the other works pace had also been accelerated. We believe we deservethe trust from the Employer in all other aspects.

(ii)There have been rounds of discussion towards the Acceleration Plan, during thediscussion, through our patient explanation, the logic and methodology of theAcceleration Plan had been recognized by the Employer.

(iii)The major pending points related to the Acceleration Plan are only thecommercial part, including the price and mechanism to resolve the previousclaims of “Biodiversity Survey" so called Claim No.1. In this regard, webelieve that these two remaining points can be proceeded in parallel withconfirming the enforceability of the Acceleration Plan.

(iv)To fulfill the commitment to the Employer, we have indeed invested large amountin advance in accelerating all the works, practically the cash flow pressure iscrunching every involved party (Including Subcontractors). Therefore, eachinvolved party is expecting to have a confirmation from the Employer. At least,the Employer should acknowledge and confirm the Acceleration Plan.

(v)Huge pressure from the head office and parent company, it’s not even asecret that our Project is a key project and a star project. That meanseven a minor event can attract attention from the head office and parent company. Given that the Acceleration Plan itself is not a minor event, we have togive an answer to them as everybody knows the development of the AccelerationPlan.

Aboveall, we hereby sincerely request the Employer to consider our request so as toproceed acceleration measures to the maximum extent. Please acknowledge and confirmthe Acceleration Plan, so that the following works such as agreement to resolvethe remaining commercial points, claim and adjusting the Project BaselineProgramme can also be placed on agenda. It’s suggested that the current Acceleration Plan shall be used as Project Baseline Programme provided that theacceleration agreement is executed.



      本文标题:2024-01-10 Request for acknowled
