作者: VivR | 来源:发表于2018-05-18 16:07 被阅读0次


President Theodore Roosevelt’s quotable speech, “Conservation as a National Duty”, are deservedly been remembered throughout the world. During the conference of Governors at the White House May 13-15, 1908, Roosevelt talked about the natural resources of America, in which they will be fewer, and pollution will also appear. He says that the Americans should “exercise foresight for this nation in the future”. Since 1901, he has been a president, and has worked to establish the national park system and create national wildlife refuges, as well as the United States Forest Service. President Roosevelt had not only “led to profound changes in America attitudes about conservation”, but also, according to the historian Jessica Sheffield, he made conservation sound like a “public (private) and moral (economic) issue”.

Profound: far-reaching and extensive.


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