英英释义:power to rule or influence people
例句:Some old attitudes still hold sway in rural areas.
“sway”的常见搭配主要有两个:under somebody's sway 和 hold sway over somebody.
例句1: Across much of the West, people are swayed by populist politicians. (现在很多西方国家的民众都受到民粹主义政客都摆布)这里的sway是动词
例句2: Across much of the West, people are under the sway of populist politicians. 这里的sway是名词
例句3: Across much of the West, populist politicians hold sway over people. 这里的sway是名词
英文习语“ Old habits die hard " 意思是 “本性难移”,已经养成的习惯会持续影响我们,可以用“ sway ”改写:Old habits hold sway over us. 举一反三:Some old attitudes still hold sway in rural areas. 偏远地区人们的观念陈旧,根深蒂固。
《经济学人》一篇关于Facebook对美国竞选的影响的文章中,就用到了sway :
Where Facebook will hold most sway in this election is as an important advertising platform. " hold most sway " 就是“最具影响力”, most是修饰sway的程度之大,我们常常可以在sway前面加上形容词强调影响力的程度。
1. 翻译
Tencent and Alibaba hold considerable sway in Chinese commerce.
2. 造句
~造句:JD and Tmall hold considerable sway for 3C products' selling performance.