A Photo Captures the Pathos of M

A Photo Captures the Pathos of M

作者: f66522a6d471 | 来源:发表于2019-06-28 10:52 被阅读0次

    ① The father and daughter lie face down in the muddy water along the banks of the Rio Grande, her tiny head tucked inside his T-shirt, an arm draped over his neck.


    2. pathos  /ˈpeɪθɒs, ˈpeɪθɑːs/  n. 感染力;悲恸(an element in an experience or artistic representation evoking pity or compassion)

    · pathetic adj. 令人惋惜的;可悲的

    · empathy n. 同理心;同情心

    City of Sadness 《悲情城市》

    3. risk it all for sth.  为了……不顾一切

    He is ready to risk it all for a chance to be with her.


    4. tuck  /tʌk/  vt. 塞

    tuck the child in 为孩子掖被子

    5. drape  /dreɪp/  vt. 使(身体部位)放松地搭在……上

    ② The portrait of desperation was captured on Monday by a journalist, in the hours after Oscar Alberto Martínez from El Salvador died with his 23-month-old daughter, as they tried to cross from Mexico to the United States.

    ③ The image represents a poignant distillation of the perilous journey migrants face on their passage north to the United States, and the tragic consequences that often go unseen in the loud and caustic debate over border policy.

    6. represent  /ˌreprɪˈzent/  vt. 展现;代表/意味着……

    7. poignant  /ˈpɔɪnjənt/  adj. 影响人很深的;让人觉得悲伤、痛苦的

    8. distillation  /ˌdɪstɪˈleɪʃn/  n. 缩影;蒸馏,浓缩

    · distill /dɪˈstɪl/ vi. 蒸馏;浓缩

    9. perilous  /ˈperələs/  adj. 艰险的

    · peril /ˈperəl/ n. 危险(通常指严重的、触及人身安全的危险)

    10. go unseen  不被注意到(go unnoticed)

    go 相当于 be 动词或者 become/remain 等系动词,用来表达一个人/东西的状态

    ④ Trump administration has attempted to criminalize those entering the United States illegally and drastically slowed down the ability of migrants to apply for asylum in the United States.

    11. attempt to do sth.  试图做……

    · in an attempt to do sth. 为了……

    12. criminalize  /ˈkrɪmɪnəlaɪz/  vt. 使……成为罪犯;定罪 criminal /ˈkrɪmɪnl/ n. 罪犯

    13. drastically  /ˈdræstɪkli, ˈdrɑːstɪkli/  adv. 剧烈地;大规模地

    14. slow down  削弱

    15. asylum  /əˈsaɪləm/  n. 政治庇护

    ⑤ For all the hard-line policies, hundreds of thousands of migrants continue to embark on the dangerous journey to the United States from Central America and elsewhere.

    16. hard-line  /ˌhɑːd ˈlaɪn, ˌhɑːrd ˈlaɪn/  adj. 强硬(rigid and uncompromising)

    17. embark on  开启(begin)

    embark on a journey 开启一段旅程(一般用在正式场合的演讲或者书面表达里)

    embark on a new career 开启一个新的事业

    embark on a new project 开启一个新的项目

    ⑥ But for every migrant who chooses to take the journey, whether on foot, packed into cargo trucks or on the top of trains, the fear of what lies behind outweighs that which lies ahead.

    18. pack  /pæk/  vt. 打包;把(东西/人毫无尊严、毫无秩序地)堆在一起

    · pack the bags 打包行李

    It's packed with people。堆/挤满了人。

    19. outweigh  /ˌaʊtˈweɪ/  vt. ……的价值大于另一个out- + v. 超出;超过weigh n. 称重量 v. 掂量;权衡

    · weigh the risks and rewards 权衡利弊

    · rewards outweigh risks 回报大于风险



          本文标题:A Photo Captures the Pathos of M
