How to use PATCH verb with curl - Stack Overflow
This is the format you should use:
curl --request PATCH
Using-Xdoesn't seem to work in terms of sending a PATCH request - you have to use--request PATCH. Also, that API seems to want thestatusparameter as a query parameter on the url, not part of the PATCH body.
At this point the server is going to return a 401 error: "You must be logged in to modify page settings." Assumedly you have to login first with something like this:
curl --request POST "!sNum8er1&"
I've used the credentials from their documentation in that example, which I figured would work on their dev server, but its currently returning an "Incorrect password" error.
If you have valid credentials, though, you should get back a session cookie which you can then use to authenticate your PATCH request.
An alternative way is as follow, this is through a POST call though
curl --data status=closed
I am guessing this is not a general way and only applies to this specific instance.