The science book -- big idea The science book -- big idea The science book -- big idea2.
The science book -- big idea The science book -- big idea The science book -- big idea3.
The science book -- big idea4.
The science book -- big idea The science book -- big idea5.pick holes
The science book -- big idea6.
The science book -- big idea7.
The science book -- big idea8.
The science book -- big idea The science book -- big idea9.
The science book -- big idea The science book -- big idea10.bounck off反弹
The science book -- big idea11.foil
The science book -- big idea12.Artilery shell
The science book -- big idea13.
The science book -- big idea14.
aether /ether
The science book -- big idea关联词:日本、以太
The science book -- big idea16.
The science book -- big idea17.
The science book -- big idea18.
The science book -- big idea The science book -- big idea19.
The science book -- big idea The science book -- big idea20.
The science book -- big idea The science book -- big idea The science book -- big idea The science book -- big idea21. elecric motor 电动机
22. rock strata 近: rock formation
The science book -- big idea The science book -- big idea The science book -- big idea The science book -- big idea23.
The science book -- big idea The science book -- big idea The science book -- big idea24. march
The science book -- big idea25. Palaeontology 古生物学
The science book -- big idea26.The four bodily humors
Essentially, this theory held that the human body was filled with four basic substances, called four humors, which are in balance when a person is healthy. All diseases and disabilities resulted from an excess or deficit of one of these four humors. The four humors were identified as black bile, yellow bile, phlegm, and blood.
27. The fire-elements phlogiston: the phlogiston theory
Day2 思维导图
Day2 思维导图Day3: 多次阅读后,将结构调整分为3部分: 科学方法、科学思想的形成以及科学的发展过程(古- 近-现代)。
文章结构清晰,先用故事(轻重物落地先后)作证科学是一门发展的学科,科学不是经验。接着开始讲述科学研究方式和科学思想的进步。最后按照时间顺序,讲述了科学的发展过程:从古希腊哲学家的“四元素”到印度、中国、地中海对天体的研究;从著名图书馆“House of Wisdom”激发研究热情,翻译典籍到现代科学的萌芽。每一部分都辅以丰富的事例,丰富内容;并且这一节内容选词难度适中,虽然有部分生词但并不阻碍阅读。
材料中提及的实验和学说,虽然熟悉但论及具体细节就有些勉强,更别说英语表达出来了(这里要补充好材料,今天没时间找)。因此,复习巩固理科基础知识迫在眉睫-_-b~ 。英语学习过程应该多加涉略各学科各领悟,争取当个小百科啊小百科≥﹏≤ 恩,这样翻译是不是也会好起来?