02 | count

02 | count

作者: Echo_Ph | 来源:发表于2019-02-24 13:22 被阅读0次


    count  / kaʊnt /   CET4 TEM4 

    ( counting , counted , counts )

    1.  V-I When you count, you say all the numbers one after another up to a particular number. 数数

    例: He was counting slowly under his breath.  他在低声慢慢地数数。

    2.  V-T If you count all the things in a group, you add them up in order to find how many there are. 数…的数目

    例:I counted the money. It was more than five hundred dollars. 我数了数钱,有五百多美元。

    例: I counted 34 wild goats grazing. 我数了有34只野山羊在吃草。

    3. PHRASAL VERB Count up means the same as . 数…的数目

    例: Couldn't we just count up our ballots and bring them to the courthouse? 我们不能就数好我们的选票然后把它们送到法院吗?

    4.  V-I If something or someone counts for something or counts, they are important or valuable. 有价值; 有重要意义

    例: Surely it doesn't matter where charities get their money from: what counts is what they do with it.  当然,慈善组织从哪里得到钱并不重要,重要的是他们用这些钱做什么。

    5. V-T/V-I If something counts or is counted as a particular thing, it is regarded as being that thing, especially in particular circumstances or under particular rules. 看作

    例:No one agrees on what counts as a desert. 没有人对于什么可以看作是荒漠有共识。

    6. V-T If you count something when you are making a calculation, you include it in that calculation. 把…计算在内

    例:It's under 7 percent only because statistics don't count the people who aren't qualified to be in the work force. 数字不到7%,这只是因为统计没有把未达劳动力标准的人算在内。

    7.N-COUNT A count is the action of counting a particular set of things, or the number that you get when you have counted them. 点数; 点出的数目

    例:The final count in last month's referendum showed 56.7 per cent in favour. 上个月全民投票的最后计票显示支持率为56.7%。

    8. COUNT You use count when referring to the level or amount of something that someone or something has. 数目; 数量


    A glass or two of wine will not significantly add to the calorie count. 一两杯酒不会显著增加卡路里的数量。

    9.N-COUNT In law, a count is one of a number of charges brought against someone in court. 罪状

    例:He was indicted by a grand jury on two counts of murder. 他被大陪审团以两项谋杀罪名正式起诉。

    10. COUNT/N-TITLE/N-VOC A count is a European nobleman. 伯爵

    例:Her father was a Polish count.她父亲是波兰的一位伯爵。

    11.PHRASE If you keep count of a number of things, you note or keep a record of how many have occurred. If you lose count of a number of things, you cannot remember how many have occurred. 计其数/无法计其数

    例:The authorities say they are not able to keep count of the bodies still being found as bulldozers clear the rubble. 当局称他们不能记下推土机清理瓦砾时不断被找到的尸体数目。




    (参考翻译:How you respond to it counts/matters more than what happened.)

    我的翻译:What counts is your attitude to the matter, not the matter itself.


    造句:What counts the most is not what you say, but what you do.



          本文标题:02 | count
