实现带有异步回调的Dependency Service

实现带有异步回调的Dependency Service

作者: ColeX | 来源:发表于2018-10-05 11:00 被阅读26次
  1. Create interface and method in Forms.

    public interface IShowAlert
         Task<bool> showAlert(string title, string message , string accept, string cancel);
  2. Inherit from the interface and implement the method in iOS project

     [assembly: Dependency(typeof(ShowAlert))]
     namespace PPPPCL.iOS
         class ShowAlert : IShowAlert
             public async Task<bool>  showAlert(string title, string message ,string accept, string cancel)
                 var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
                 UIAlertController vc = UIAlertController.Create(title,message, UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert);
                 UIAlertAction action = UIAlertAction.Create(accept, UIAlertActionStyle.Default, (e) =>{ tcs.SetResult(true);});
                 UIAlertAction action2 = UIAlertAction.Create(cancel, UIAlertActionStyle.Destructive, (e) => { tcs.SetResult(false);});
                 (UIApplication.SharedApplication.Delegate as AppDelegate).Window.RootViewController.PresentViewController(vc, true, null);
                 return await tcs.Task;
  3. Call the method and get the value within callback in Forms .

    bool result = await DependencyService.Get<IShowAlert>().showAlert("title","msg","ok","cancel");


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    本文标题:实现带有异步回调的Dependency Service
