What this means is that no one teaching method

What this means is that no one teaching method or approach is likely to be the most effective for all chil�dren. Rather, good teachers bring into play a variety of teaching strategies that can involve the great diversity of children in schools. Excellent instruction builds on what children already know, and can do, and provides knowledge, and skills for lifelong learning.
Children need to learn not only the technical skills of reading and writing but also how to use these tools to better their thinking and reasoning.On August 28th, at a presentation over the Internet, Mr. Musk showed off the progress of his firm, Neuralink. The highlight was the appearance of Gertrude, a pig with a chip implanted (植入) into her brain.
Reading the brain’s electrical signals, a technique called electroencephalography (EEG), started over 100 years ago and is now routine. It generally involves placing non-invasive electrodes (非侵入式电极) on the scalp (头皮), though it sometimes requires the invasive insertion of wires into the scalp or the brain. Non-invasive EEG provides useful information, and can even be used to do things like playing computer games. Invasive EEG offers more accurate readings from the nerve cells in the brain, though at greater risk because of the surgery involved. The device Gertrude carries, known technically as a brain-computer interface (接口), carries invasiveness one stage further by making the EEG recorder a potentially permanent implant.
Along with this improved interface, Neuralink has built a robot that will implant it. To do so, the robot first takes a high-resolution scan of the recipient’s brain. Using this, it is able to sew the electrode threads into place with a precision that avoids any blood tubes in the area, which reduces the risk of damage during surgery. The robot can put the interface in place in less than an hour. General anesthesia (麻醉) is not needed for the procedure.