1. 纯母乳喂养 exclusive breastfeeding
世界母乳喂养周 World Breastfeeding Week
全球性的活动 global campaign
配方奶喂养 formula-feeding
母乳 breast milk
辅食 complementary food 衍生词:主食 staple food
落实不力 poor compliance
母乳银行 breast milk bank
乳制品 dairy products
儿童期肥胖症 childhood obesity
食物不耐受 food intolerance
国际母乳代用品销售守则 InternationalCode of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes
2.假货counterfeitgoods / fake commodities
国家市场监管总局 TheState Administration for Market Regulation
密切关注 pay close attention to
在线团购打折平台 online group discounter
消费降级 consumption downgrading
伪劣商品 inferior-quality commodity
商标侵权 the infringement on trademarks
衍生词:trademark 商标
虚假宣传 false propaganda
违法广告 illegal advertising
网络交易平台 online trading platform
法定义务 legal obligations
监管部门 regulatory authority
山寨商品 copycat commodity, knockoff
产业升级 industrial upgrading
第三方供应商 third-party vendor
3. 电子运单 digital waybill
行业报告 industry report.
快递行业 courier delivery sector
环保 environmentally friendly
纸质快递运单 paper courier/express waybill
新能源汽车 new energy vehicle
绿色包装 green packaging
可降解塑料袋 degradable plastic bag
拉链式封装 zipper packaging
中转袋 plastic bags for transit purposes
快递企业 express delivery firm
制药公司、医药公司、药业公司、制药企业 pharmaceuticalcompany
国家药品监管局 the State Drug Administration
可致癌杂质 carcinogenic/cancer-causing impurity
高血压 hypertension, high blood pressure
腌制食物 salted foods
相关产品 involved products
重要原料 key ingredient
生产工艺 manufacturing techniques
一级致癌物 level 1 carcinogen
加工肉制品 processed meat
意见征求solicitation of opinions
风俗人情folk customs
应急照明设置emergency power supplies
环保型代步工具eco-friendly transportation methods
无障碍设施 barrier-free facilities
衍生短语:无障碍电梯 barrier-freeelevator / accessible elevator
明码标价 mark the price clearly
胡同文化 hutong culture
四合院 quadrangle, or Siheyuan
旅游厕所革命 tourist toilet revolution
旅游专列 tourist train
可持续旅游 sustainable tourism
衍生短语:可持续旅游 sustainable development
红色旅游 red tourism