

作者: YangLittle | 来源:发表于2020-10-10 06:06 被阅读0次

Dear Captain Scott,

It's my honor to tell your story again . I have been sharing your story to my students every year for about 10 years.To be honest , at first, I don't know how to demonstrate it, although it is my favorite story  which always amazes me deeply every time I read and tell it.

You were an explorer. In 1910, you began making preparations for your exploration to the Antarctic.At the same time, a Norwegian explorer,  Roald Amundsen, was doing the same.A race was on between you and he.

  You and your team lost the race. In my opinion, actually you lost two races.One is the race to the Antarctic, the other is the race against death, which really  shocked me. It really hurts me every time I read your story.

Why did you and your men  lose the race? I'm afraid there are some reasons.

The first, you left later.You should have made full use of the Polar summer.

The second is that you had bad choice of transportation,  which I think is the most important factor.

And then  it was unlucky that you ran across  severe weather in the Antarctic.

Also I have my  opinion. Let's take a close look at the map of the world.After examining the location of  Norway and London, I have a personal opinion on your decision. Compared with Roald Amundsen,  you probably did not have a good understanding of the severe weather in Antarctica.

However , you were successful in exploration.You brought back rocks that proved that at one time in the distant past, the  Antarctic was covered by plants.Your deeds encourage other explorers to go further.

Today, I have another heroic story to share. He was the first Chinese professional sailor, the first Asian to complete the Volvo race  the first Chinese to sail solo across the English channel as well as the first Chinese to sail solo non -stop around the world .

On October 19, 2016, he set off from Golden Gate Bridge , San Francisco .Unluckily, he lost in touch with his team members on October 25 until now.That is to say, he gave  his life to his favoutite sailing.

Why did he take the adventures?Why did you take the risk to explore the Antarctic? It's totally different from our traditional belief. Traditionally,  Chinese are told to be keep safe. So there is an old saying in China :Win and you are the king; lose and you are the outcast.

If GuoChuan hadn't taken the adventure he would have lived an easy life with his families like most of us.However, now, what he impressed me most is his ability, competence , confidence, willpower and bravery.

After reading the stories ,  I have a totally different understanding of the spirit. In my opinion , mankind's nature to take adventures shows the courage to explore the world and the unknown as well as to pursuit the things you love . It also has something to do with our everyday life.

No wonder you and your men have been admired for more than 100 years in Britain.Thank you for teaching us the precious  experience.

I came to understand the saying:To live is to risk it at all.




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