

作者: 柳风 | 来源:发表于2023-09-16 21:53 被阅读0次

what a good idea

little field mouse

perhaps she seen

a little field fawn

yes let's go and visit her

you caught t

I'm glad you asked

once in a winter

I flew to a magical place

white foxes

just before I feel fast asleep

I'll beat you this time

little white owl

what a good idea

little field mouse

perhaps she seen

a little field fawn

yes let's go and visit her

you caught t

I'm glad you asked

once in a winter

I flew to a magical place

white foxes

just before I feel fast asleep

I'll beat you this time

little white owl

what a good idea

little field mouse

perhaps she seen

a little field fawn

yes let's go and visit her

you caught t

I'm glad you asked

once in a winter

I flew to a magical place

white foxes

just before I feel fast asleep

I'll beat you this time

little white owl

what a good idea

little field mouse

perhaps she seen

a little field fawn

yes let's go and visit her

you caught t

I'm glad you asked

once in a winter

I flew to a magical place

white foxes

just before I feel fast asleep

I'll beat you this time

little white owl


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