Vivado Synthesis Attribute

Vivado Synthesis Attribute

作者: 非鱼知乐 | 来源:发表于2020-08-10 08:40 被阅读0次

    Originated from UG901 v2020.1. Covers VHDL design only.

    1. ASYN_REG

    • \color{red}{Purpose}: To inform the tool that a register is capable of receiving asynchronous data in the D input pin relative to the source clock, or the register is a synchronizing register within a synchronization chain.

    • \color{blue}{Where\ to\ define}: RTL or XDC

    attribute ASYNC_REG : string;
    attribute ASYNC_REG of sync_regs : signal is "TRUE";
    attribute ASYNC_REG : boolean;
    attribute ASYNC_REG of sync_regs : signal is TRUE;

    2. BLACK_BOX

    • \color{red}{Purpose}: To turn a whole level of hierarchy off and create a black box for that entity.

    • \color{blue}{Where\ to\ define}: RTL

    attribute BLACK_BOX : string;
    attribute BLACK_BOX of beh : architecutre is "yes";


    • \color{red}{Purpose}: To limit the length of cascade chains of large RAMs that are put into block RAMs.

    • \color{blue}{Where\ to\ define}: RTL

    • \color{yellow}{Note}: a value of 0 or 1 turns OFF any cascading of block RAMs.

    attribute CASCADE_HEIGHT: integer;
    attribute CASCADE_HEIGHT of ram: signal is 4;


    • \color{red}{Purpose}: To the type of clock buffer to use.

    • \color{green}{Legal\ values}: "BUFG", "BUFH", "BUFIO", "BUFMR", "BUFR", "NONE".

    • \color{blue}{Where\ to\ define}: RTL or XDC for top-level clock port.

    -- define in VHDL
    entity test is
            in1 : in std_logic;
            clock : in std_logic;
            out1 : out std_logic;
        attribute CLOCK_BUFFER_TYPE: string;
        attribute CLOCK_BUFFER_TYPE of clock : signal is "BUFR";
    end test;
    # define in XDC
    set_property CLOCK_BUFFER_TYPE BUFG [get_ports clk];


    • \color{red}{Purpose}: To have an input port or a signal go directly to the enable line of a flop.

    • \color{blue}{Where\ to\ define}: RTL or XDC for any port or signal.

    -- define in VHDL
    entity test is
            in1 : in std_logic;
            clock : in std_logic;
            en1, en2, en3 : in std_logic;
            out1 : out std_logic;
        attribute DIRECT_ENABLE: string;
        attribute DIRECT_ENABLE of EN3: signal is "yes";
    end test;
    # define in XDC
    set_property DIRECT_ENABLE  yes [get_nets -of [get_ports en3]];


    • \color{red}{Purpose}: To have an input port or a signal go directly to the reset line of a flop.

    • \color{blue}{Where\ to\ define}: RTL or XDC for any port or signal.

    -- define in VHDL
    entity test is
            in1 : in std_logic;
            clock : in std_logic;
            rst1, rst2 : in std_logic;
            out1 : out std_logic;
        attribute DIRECT_RESET : string;
        attribute DIRECT_RESET of rst2 : signal is "yes";
    end test;
    # define in XDC
    set_property DIRECT_ENABLE  yes [get_nets -of [get_ports rst2]];


    • \color{red}{Purpose}: To replace KEEP or KEEP_HIERARCHY.

    • \color{blue}{Where\ to\ define}: RTL. Only define it in XDC if remove DONT_TOUCH set to yes in RTL by setting it to no in XDC.

    -- VHDL entity
    entity test is
            in1 : in std_logic;
            clock : in std_logic;
            rst1, rst2 : in std_logic;
            out1 : out std_logic;
        attribute DONT_TOUCH : string;
        attribute DONT_TOUCH of test : entity is "true|yes";
    end test;
    -- VHDL signal
    signal sig1 : std_logic;
    attribute DONT_TOUCH : string;
    attribute DONT_TOUCH of test : entity is "true";
    sig1 <= in1 and in2;
    out1 <= sig1 and in3;
    -- VHDL architecture
    entity rtl of test is
        attribute DONT_TOUCH : string;
        attribute DONT_TOUCH of rtl : architecture is "yes";
    -- VHDL component
    entity rtl of test is
        attribute DONT_TOUCH : string;
        component my_comp
                in1 : in std_logic;
                out1 : out std_logic;
        end component;
        attribute DONT_TOUCH of my_comp : component is "yes";


    • \color{red}{Purpose}: To control whether to fold two MAC structures connected with an adder to one DSP primitive.

    • \color{blue}{Where\ to\ define}: RTL.

    -- VHDL example
    attribute DSP_FOLDING : string;
    attribute DSP_FOLDING of my_entity : entity is "yes";


    • \color{red}{Purpose}: To control which port should become the new faster clock when using DSP folding.

    • \color{blue}{Where\ to\ define}: RTL on a port or a pin.

    -- VHDL example
    attribute DSP_FOLDING_FASTCLOCK : string;
    attribute DSP_FOLDING of clock_fast : signal is "yes";


    • \color{red}{Purpose}: To control whether registers infer enables (go to CE pins) in case Vivado doesn't behave in a desired way.

    • \color{blue}{Where\ to\ define}: RTL on registers.

    -- VHDL example
    signal my_reg : std_logic;
    attribute EXTRACT_ENABLE : string;
    attribute EXTRACT_ENABLE of my_reg : signal is "yes";


    • \color{red}{Purpose}: To control whether registers infer resets (go to R pins) in case Vivado doesn't behave in a desired way.

    • \color{blue}{Where\ to\ define}: RTL on registers for synchronous resets.

    -- VHDL example
    signal my_reg : std_logic;
    attribute EXTRACT_RESET : string;
    attribute EXTRACT_RESET of my_reg : signal is "yes";


    • \color{red}{Purpose}: To control encoding on FSM.

    • \color{green}{Legal\ values}: "one_hot", "sequential", "johnson", "gray", "auto", and "none".

    • \color{blue}{Where\ to\ define}: RTL or XDC.

    -- VHDL example
    typee state is (zero, one, two, three);
    signal my_state : state;
    attribute FSM_ENCODING : string;
    attribute FSM_ENCODING of my_state : signal is "sequentiall";


    • \color{red}{Purpose}: To instruct Vivado to insert logic to the state machine to detect illegal states, then puts it into a known, good state on the next clock cycle.

    • \color{green}{Legal\ values}: "auto_safe_state", "reset_state", "power_on_state", and "default_state" (an othhers state must be in the RTL).

    • \color{blue}{Where\ to\ define}: RTL or XDC.

    -- VHDL example
    typee state is (zero, one, two, three);
    signal my_state : state;
    attribute FSM_SAFE_STATE : string;
    attribute FSM_SAFE_STATE of my_state : signal is "power_on_state";


    • \color{red}{Purpose}: To allow conversion of gated clocks

    • \color{blue}{Where\ to\ define}: RTL on the signal or port that is the clock.

    -- VHDL
    entity test is
            in1, in2 : in std_logic;
            en : in std_logic;
            clk : in std_logic;
            out1 : out std_logic
        attribute GATED_CLOCK : string;
        attribute GATED_CLOCK of clk : entity is "true|yes";
    end test;

    15. IOB

    • \color{red}{Purpose}: To be used downstream by Vivado implementation to indicate if a register should go into the I/O buffer.

    • \color{blue}{Where\ to\ define}: RTL on the register.

    -- VHDL
    signal sig1 : std_logic;
    attribute IOB : string;
    attribute IOB of sig1 : signal is "true";


    • \color{red}{Purpose}: To use buffers for top-level ports.

    • \color{blue}{Where\ to\ define}: RTL on top-level ports.

    -- VHDL
    entity test is
            in1, in2 : in std_logic;
            clk : in std_logic;
            out1 : out std_logic
        attribute IO_BUFFER_TYPE: string;
        attribute IO_BUFFER_TYPEof out1 : signal is "none";
    end test;

    17. KEEP

    • \color{red}{Purpose}: To prevent optimizations where signals are either optimized or absorbed into logic blocks. Can be used in conjunction with timing constraints when there is a timing constraint on a signal that would be optimized.

    • \color{blue}{Where\ to\ define}: RTL on signals only.

    -- VHDL
    signal sig1 : std_logic;
    attribute KEEP : string;
    attribute KEEP of sig1 : signal is "true";
    sig1 <= in1 and in2;
    sig2 <= sig1 and in3;


    • \color{red}{Purpose}: To prevent optimization along the hierarchy boundaries

    • \color{blue}{Where\ to\ define}: RTL and XDC in architecture level or the instance (mandatory for XDC).

    • \color{yellow}{Note}: Should not be used on modules that describe the control logic of 3-state outputs and I/O buffers.

    -- VHDL on architecture
    attribute KEEP_HIERARCHY : string;
    attribute KEEP_HIERARCHY of beh : entity is "yes";
    # XDC on instance
    set_property KEEP_HIERARCHY yes [get_cells u0]

    19. MARK_DEBUG

    • \color{red}{Purpose}: Applicable to net objects accessible to the internal array.

    • \color{blue}{Where\ to\ define}: RTL and XDC on signals. In XDC, it is recommended to use set_property MARK_DEBUG true [get_nets -of [get_pins hier1/hier2/<flop_name>/Q to ensure it goes onto the net.

    -- VHDL
    signal dbg : std_logic;
    attribute MARK_DEBUG : string;
    attribute MARK_DEBUG of dbg : signal is "true";
    # XDC on net
    set_property MARK_DEBUG TRUE [get_nets dbg]

    20. MAX_FANOUT

    • \color{red}{Purpose}: To set fanout limit for registers and signals.

    • \color{blue}{Where\ to\ define}: RTL on registers and combinational signals.

    • \color{yellow}{Note}: Inpuut, black boxes, EDIF/EDF, and Native Generic Circuit (NGC) files are not supported.

    -- VHDL
    signal sig1 : std_logic;
    attribute MAX_FANOUT : integer;
    attribute MAX_FANOUT of sig1 : signal is 50;

    21. RAM_DECOMP

    • \color{red}{Purpose}: To instruct the tool to infer RTL RAMs that are too large to fit in a single block RAM primitive to use a more power friendly configuration. E.g., w/o RAM_DECOMP, a 2K x 36 is configured as two 2K x 18 BRAMs (fastest); w/ RAM_DECOMP, a 2K x 36 is configured as two 1K x 36 BRAMs (power-friendly)

    • \color{green}{Legal\ values}: "power".

    • \color{blue}{Where\ to\ define}:

    -- VHDL
    attribute RAM_DECOMP : string;
    attribute RAM_DECOMP of my_ram : signal is "power";
    # XDC
    set_property RAM_DECOMP power [get_cells my_ram]

    21. RAM_STYLE

    • \color{red}{Purpose}: To instruct the tool on how to infer memory.

    • \color{green}{Legal\ values}: "block" (BRAM), "distributed" (LUT RAM), "registers" (registers), and "ultra" (UltraScale+ URAM).

    • \color{blue}{Where\ to\ define}: RTL and XDC.

    -- VHDL
    attribute RAM_STYLE : string;
    attribute RAM_STYLE of my_ram : signal is "distributed";
    # XDC
    set_property RAM_DECOMP power [get_cells my_ram]


    • \color{red}{Purpose}: To move a register backwards through logic closer to the driving sequential elements.

    • \color{green}{Legal\ values}: 0 (off), 1 (on).

    • \color{yellow}{Note}: Not timing driven; will work regardless of whether the global timing setting is active or if there are timing constraints. RETIMING_BACKWARD is performed before timing. Cells with DONT_TOUCH/MARK_DEBUG attributes, cells with timing_exceptions (false_path, multicycle_path), and user-instantiated cells will block this attribute.

    -- VHDL
    attribute RETIMING_BACKWARD : string;
    attribute RETIMING_BACKWARD of my_sig : signal is 1;
    # XDC
    set_property RETIMING_BACKWARD 1 power [get_cells my_sig]


    • \color{red}{Purpose}: To move a register forward through logic closer to the driven sequential elements.

    • \color{green}{Legal\ values}: 0 (off), 1 (on).

    • \color{yellow}{Note}: Similar to RETIMING_BACKWARD.

    -- VHDL
    attribute RETIMING_FORWARD : string;
    attribute RETIMING_FORWARD of my_sig : signal is 1;
    # XDC
    set_property RETIMING_FORWARD 1 power [get_cells my_sig]

    24. ROM_STYLE

    • \color{red}{Purpose}: To move a register forward through logic closer to the driven sequential elements.

    • \color{green}{Legal\ values}: block (BRAM), distributed (LUT ROM).

    • \color{blue}{Where\ to\ define}: RTL and XDC.

    • \color{yellow}{Note}: Similar to RETIMING_BACKWARD.

    -- VHDL
    attribute ROM_STYLE : string;
    attribute ROM_STYLE of my_rom : signal is "distributed";


    • \color{red}{Purpose}: For specific types of RAMs. By default, when rd\_addr=wr\_addr for DP_RAM, the output of the RAM is not guaranteed.

    • \color{green}{Legal\ values}: "auto" (default), "yes" (insert bypass logic so that the value of the input will be on the output which behaves as WRITE_FIRST), and "no" (user doesn't care).

    • \color{blue}{Where\ to\ define}: RTL.

    -- VHDL
    attribute RW_ADDR_COLLISION : string;
    attribute RW_ADDR_COLLISIONof my_ram : signal is "yes";


    • \color{red}{Purpose}: To infer SRL structures.

    • \color{blue}{Where\ to\ define}: RTL and XDC.

    -- VHDL
    attribute SHREG_EXTRACT : string;
    attribute SHREG_EXTRACT of my_srl : signal is "no";

    27. SRL_STYLE

    • \color{red}{Purpose}: To instruct Vivado on how to infer SRLs that are found in the design.

    • \color{green}{Legal\ values}: "register", "srl", "srl_reg" (use an SRL and leave one register after the SRL), "reg_srl", "reg_srl_reg", "block" (use BRAM).

    • \color{blue}{Where\ to\ define}: RTL and XDC.

    • \color{yellow}{Note}: When used together, SHREG_EXTRACT takes precedence over SRL_STYLE and -shreg_min_size.

    -- VHDL
    attribute SRL_STYLE : string;
    attribute SRL_STYLEof my_srl : signal is "reg_srl_reg";
    # XDC
    set_property SRL_STYLE register [get_cells my_shiftter_reg*]


    • \color{red}{Purpose}: To ignore blocks of code.

    • \color{blue}{Where\ to\ define}: RTL.

    • \color{yellow}{Note}: These attributes are given within a comment which should start with one of the keywords: synthesis, synopsys, pragma, xilinx. Simulation can still use the code.

    -- VHDL
    -- synthesis TRANSLATE_OFF
    Code ...
    -- synthesis TRANSLATE_ON

    29. USE_DSP

    • \color{red}{Purpose}: To deal with synthesis arithmetic structures (add, subtract, accumulat). By default, Vivado attempts to infer mults, mult-add, mult-sub, and mult-accumulate type structures into DSP blocks.

    • \color{green}{Legal\ values}: logic (used specifically for XOR structures to go into DSP primitives. Can be placed on architecture level only), yes, no.

    • \color{blue}{Where\ to\ define}: RTL and XDC.

    • \color{yellow}{Note}: Yes and no can be placed on .

    -- VHDL
    attribute USE_DSP : string;
    attribute USE_DSP of p_reg: signal is no;

    30. Using synthesis attributes in XDC files


    set_property <attribute> <value> <target>

    For example:

    set_property MAX_FANOUT 15 [get_cells in1_int_reg]

    31. Synthesis attribute propagation rules

    • In general, an attribute placed on a hierarchy affects only that boundary, and will not affect the items inside that hierarchy.

    • Exceptions: DSP_FOLDING, RAM_STYLE, ROM_STYLE, SHREG_EXTRACT, and USE_DSP. When these attributes are placed on a hierarchy, they also affect the signals inside that hierarchy.


    • UG901 v2020.1



          本文标题:Vivado Synthesis Attribute
