

作者: 金园公子 | 来源:发表于2022-01-07 13:52 被阅读0次

0460      11.2.9  PacketMeasurement Report

< NC Measurement Report struct > ::=

         <NC_MODE: bit (1) >

         <RXLEV_SERVING_CELL: bit (6) >

         { 0| 1 < INTERFERENCE_SERVING_CELL:bit (6) > }

         <NUMBER_OF_NC_MEASUREMENTS: bit (3)>              无进一步解释

         {       <FREQUENCY_N: bit (6) >

                   {0 | 1 <BSIC_N: bit (6) > }

                   <RXLEV_N: bit (6) > } * (val(NUMBER_OF_NC_MEASUREMENTS));

NC_MODE(1 bit field)            0460

This field indicates if the mobile station was in mode NC1 or NC2 when sendingthe measurement report.

0       Mobilestation in mode NC1

1       Mobile station in mode NC2

NC0                       NormalMS control                  0508

The MS shall perform autonomous cell re-selection.

NC1                       MScontrol with measurement reports    

The MS shall send measurement reports to the network as defined in subclause10.1.4.1.

The MS shall perform

autonomous cell re-selection.         

NC2                       Networkcontrol    

The MS shall send measurement reports to the network as defined in subclause10.1.4.1.

The MS shall only perform

autonomous cell re-selection when the reselection is triggered by a downlink

signalling failure as defined in subclause 6.5 or a random access failure as

defined in 3GPP TS 04.18 and 3GPP TS 04.60.

RXLEV_SERVING_CELL  (6 bit field)

This field contains the value of the RXLEV parameter for the serving cell  calculated by the mobile station (see 3GPP TS 05.08). This field is  encoded as the binary representation of the RXLEV parameter value defined in  3GPP TS 05.08.

Range 0 to 63


This field contains the average interference level for the serving cell  measured on the PCCCH if a valid value is available (measured in packet idle  mode, see 3GPP TS 05.08). The field is encoded as the binary  representation of the I_LEVEL value defined in 3GPP TS 05.08.

FREQUENCY_N(6 bit field)

This field indicates the frequency/cell upon which the measurement was made.  The field is an index into the resulting Frequency/Cell List either for NC-  or for EXT- measurements.

BSIC_N(6 bit field) 4G后不再有BSIC。一个基站通常有3个小区,也有只含一个小区的,覆盖范围受天线挂高、下倾角等因素决定,通常规划在几公里到几十公里。

This field indicates the BSIC of the frequency upon which the measurement was  made. For EXT measurements this field shall be include only if the Frequency  List Type is type 1 or type 2. For type 1, this field is included if the BSIC  was decoded and shall not be included if the BSIC was not decoded. For NC  measurements this field shall be included only for frequencies that refer to  the BA(BCCH) list. The field is encoded as the BSIC value defined in  3GPP TS 04.08.

Range 0 to 63

 BSIC称为基站识别码,NCC + BCC;各3个bit。







RXLEV_N(6 bit field)

This field indicates the measured RXLEV of the frequency upon which the  measurement was made (see 3GPP TS 05.08). This field is encoded as  the RXLEV value defined in 3GPP TS 04.08.

Range 0 to 63

ARFCN(10 bit field)

This field contains the BCCH frequency of the new cell. This field is encoded  as the ARFCN defined in 3GPP TS 04.08.

Range 0 to 1023


05.08 8.4.3



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