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- 英语精读连载Good-Bye,Mr.Chips《再会,契普斯先生
- 英语精读连载Good-Bye,Mr.Chips《再会,契普斯先生
- 英语精读连载Good-Bye,Mr.Chips《再会,契普斯先生
- 英语精读连载Good-Bye,Mr.Chips《再会,契普斯先生
- 英语精读连载Good-Bye,Mr.Chips《再会,契普斯先生
- 英语精读连载Good-Bye,Mr.Chips《再会,契普斯先生
- 英语精读连载Good-Bye,Mr.Chips《再会,契普斯先生
- Good-bye, Mr.Chips 晨读总结+读书笔记
Her name was Katherine Bridges[52]; she was twenty-five -- young enough to be Chips's[53]daughter. She had blue, flashing eyes and freckled cheeks[54]and smooth straw-coloured hair[55]. She, too, was staying at a farm[56], on holiday[57]with a girl friend, and as she considered herself responsible for Chips's accident[58], she used to bicycle along the side of the lake to the house in which the quiet, middle-aged, serious-looking[59]man lay resting[60].
That was how she thought of him at first. And he, because she rode a bicycle and was unafraid to visit a man alone in a farmhouse sitting room, wondered vaguely[61]what the world was coming to[62]. His sprain[63]put him at her mercy[64], and it[65]was soon revealed to him how much he might need that mercy. She was a governess[66]out of a job[67], with a little money saved up[68]; she read and admired Ibsen; she believed that women ought to be admitted to the universities[69]; she even thought they ought to have a vote[70]. In politics s she was a radical[71], with leanings[72]towards the views of people like Bernard Shaw and William Morris[73]. All her ideas and opinions she poured out to Chips[74]during those summer afternoons at Wasdale Head; and he, because he was not very articulate[75], did not at first think it worth while to contradict them[76]. Her friend went away, but she stayed; what could you do with such a person? Chips thought[77]. He used to hobble with sticks along a footpath leading to[78]the tiny church; there was a stone slab on the wall[79], and it was comfortable to sit down, facing the sunlight and the green-brown majesty of the Gable[80]and listening to the chatter of -- well, yes, Chips had to admit it -- a very beautiful girl[81].

[52] Katherine ['kæθərɪn] Bridges ['brɪdʒɪz]凯瑟琳·布里吉斯,人名
[53] Chips's读 ['tʃɪpsɪz]
[54] freckled cheeks生雀斑的面颊
[55] straw-colored hair稻草色的头发
[56] farm=farmhouse
[57] on holiday ['hɒlədɪ]因放假而在外面游玩或旅行;度假
[58] accident意外,这里指Chips失足伤脚的事情。
[59] serious-looking看上去严肃的
[60] lay resting躺着休息。lay是lie的过去式。[61] wondered vaguely模糊地怀疑。vaguely是说没有具体的内容。在wondered和主语he之间插入了because引起的原因状语从句。
[62] what the world was coming to这世界在变成什么样子。
[63] sprain [spreɪn](因蹩伤而引起的)肿痛
[64] put him at her mercy使他由她安排。这里put是过去式。at her mercy在她的支配下。
[65] it是虚词;how much he might need that mercy是it的同位语。
[66] governess ['gʌvənɪs]家庭女教师
[67] out of a job失业的
[68] saved up积蓄起来的
[69] admitted to the universities准予进大学
[70] have a vote有选举权
[71] In politics ['pɒlɪtɪks] she was a radical [rædɪkəl]她在政治上是激进派。
[72] leanings倾向
[73] William ['wɪljəm] Morris ['mɒrɪs]威廉·莫里斯(1834—1896),英国诗人、艺术家、社会主义者
[74] All her ideas and opinions she poured out to Chips=She poured out all her ideas and opinions to Chips. ideas是一般的想法,不一定出于理性;opinions是意见,通常出于理性。poured out倾吐;畅谈。
[75] articulate [ɑ:'tɪkjʊlɪt]能把要讲的话讲清楚的
[76] think it worth [wɜ:θ] while to contradict ['kɒntrə'dɪkt] them认为值得批驳它们(ideas and opinions)。it是虚词,to contradict them是it的同位语。worth while值得的;是习语。
[77] what couldyou do with such a person? Chips thought Chips想,对这么一个人你能怎么样呢(对这种女人真没办法)。could斜体表示重读。you是泛指,等于书面语中的one。
[78] leading to通往
[79] there was a stone slab on the wall墙(边)上有一块厚石板。
[80] green-brown majesty of the Gable大山墙的棕绿色的庄严(景色);庄严的棕绿色的大山墙。
[81] listening to the chatter of -- well, yes, Chips had to admit it -- a very beautiful girl well, yes, Chips had to admit it是插入语;it指“她是一个非常漂亮的姑娘”这一事实。chatter(喋喋不休的)空谈;比较:chat闲谈,谈话。