

作者: 追梦人在路上不断追寻 | 来源:发表于2022-11-09 15:39 被阅读0次

在vscode中有个非常好用的插件叫做code runner,它可以运行各种语言的代码片段,非常方便测试一些简单的代码特性。

在neovim中,也有这样的插件,其中sniprun 是用户使用最多的一个插件。





use { 'michaelb/sniprun' do="bash install.sh'}


Plug 'michaelb/sniprun', {'do': 'bash install.sh'}

## 配置文件

selected_interpreters = {}, --# use those instead of the default for the current filetype
repl_enable = {}, --# enable REPL-like behavior for the given interpreters
repl_disable = {}, --# disable REPL-like behavior for the given interpreters

interpreter_options = { --# interpreter-specific options, see docs / :SnipInfo <name>

--# use the interpreter name as key
GFM_original = {
  use_on_filetypes = {"markdown.pandoc"}    --# the 'use_on_filetypes' configuration key is
                                            --# available for every interpreter
Python3_original = {
    error_truncate = "auto"         --# Truncate runtime errors 'long', 'short' or 'auto'
                                    --# the hint is available for every interpreter
                                    --# but may not be always respected


--# you can combo different display modes as desired and with the 'Ok' or 'Err' suffix
--# to filter only sucessful runs (or errored-out runs respectively)
display = {
"Classic", --# display results in the command-line area
"VirtualTextOk", --# display ok results as virtual text (multiline is shortened)

-- "VirtualText",             --# display results as virtual text
-- "TempFloatingWindow",      --# display results in a floating window
-- "LongTempFloatingWindow",  --# same as above, but only long results. To use with VirtualText[Ok/Err]
-- "Terminal",                --# display results in a vertical split
-- "TerminalWithCode",        --# display results and code history in a vertical split
-- "NvimNotify",              --# display with the nvim-notify plugin
-- "Api"                      --# return output to a programming interface


live_display = { "VirtualTextOk" }, --# display mode used in live_mode

display_options = {
terminal_width = 45, --# change the terminal display option width
notification_timeout = 5 --# timeout for nvim_notify output

--# You can use the same keys to customize whether a sniprun producing
--# no output should display nothing or '(no output)'
show_no_output = {
"TempFloatingWindow", --# implies LongTempFloatingWindow, which has no effect on its own

--# customize highlight groups (setting this overrides colorscheme)
snipruncolors = {
SniprunVirtualTextOk = {bg="#66eeff",fg="#000000",ctermbg="Cyan",cterfg="Black"},
SniprunFloatingWinOk = {fg="#66eeff",ctermfg="Cyan"},
SniprunVirtualTextErr = {bg="#881515",fg="#000000",ctermbg="DarkRed",cterfg="Black"},
SniprunFloatingWinErr = {fg="#881515",ctermfg="DarkRed"},

--# miscellaneous compatibility/adjustement settings
inline_messages = 0, --# inline_message (0/1) is a one-line way to display messages
--# to workaround sniprun not being able to display anything

borders = 'single', --# display borders around floating windows
--# possible values are 'none', 'single', 'double', or 'shadow'
live_mode_toggle='off' --# live mode toggle, see Usage - Running for more info

## c语言配置

    interpreter_options = {
        C_original = {
             compiler = "clang"

golang 语言配置

    interpreter_options = {
        Go_original = {
            compiler = "gccgo"


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