懂你 L4-U1-4-Vocabulary-Personalit

懂你 L4-U1-4-Vocabulary-Personalit

作者: 西特西 | 来源:发表于2018-09-12 22:10 被阅读71次

流利说 D73 2018-09-12 三



  • "Vocabulary-Contemporary People" +1 D72 2018-09-08



  • "Vocabulary-Personality Types"+1
  • personality n.个性、名人

1、They generally dislike going to social events such as parties.
2、Outgoing people often have many friends and can be quite popular.
3、Greedy people want more than their share and can cause many problems for others.
4、Self-centered people like to be the center of attention.
5、Selfish and greedy people don't share things with others.
6、Shy people are usually quiet and uncomfortable around other people.
7、People who are responsible and trustworthy are important in almost any situation.

  • "Vocabulary-Personality Types"

Shy people are usually quiet and uncomfortable around other people. They generally dislike going to social events such as parties. It’s often difficult to make friends with a shy person because they won’t open up.

  • outgoing people 外向的人

Outgoing people are enjoying being with others and are comfortable in social situations. They are friendly and pleasant to be with, though sometimes they can't be trusted.

Self-centered people like to be the center of attention. They like people to look at them and pay attention to them. Self-center people often talk too much and don’t listen enough.

  • selfish adj.自私的
  • greedy adj.贪心的、馋的

Selfish and greedy people don’t share things with others. They keep things for themselves and always want more.[他们为自己保留东西,总是想要更多]

  • responsible adj.有责任的、自负的
  • trust-worthy adj.可靠的、值得信赖的
  • depended on 依靠

People who are responsible and trust-worthy, are important in almost any situation. They can be depended on to get things done. These people can be trusted.


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      本文标题:懂你 L4-U1-4-Vocabulary-Personalit
