Writer's Choice Grammar and Comp

Writer's Choice Grammar and Comp

作者: 抑郁之灵 | 来源:发表于2019-02-19 13:52 被阅读0次

Unit 1 Personal Writing

Writing in the real world

Bill Pinkney

head board 帆顶板

boom : a long spar used to extend the foot of a sail  帆杆

swell:a long often massive and crestless wave or succession of waves often continuing beyond or after its cause (such as a gale)  海上的长浪,涌浪

fester: a sore that has become inflamed and formed pus 溃烂,化脓

使......恶化:to undergo or exist in a state of progressive deterioration:allowed slums to fester

cocoon: an envelope often largely of silk which an insect larva forms about itself and in which it passes the pupa stage 茧

a protective covering placed or sprayed over military or naval equipment in storage

bunk: a built-in bed (as on a ship) that is often one of a tier of berths(卧铺)床铺



      本文标题:Writer's Choice Grammar and Comp
