场景 :以高价出售了一套房,获利不少。
造句:They sold it easily and made a hefty profit.
1. hefty: a.big and heavy 肌肉发达的 a hefty amount of someth...
场景 :以高价出售了一套房,获利不少。 造句:They sold it easily and made a hef...
The company made a hefty profit. 公司获得一大笔利润。
Hefty Exhibition organizer Wang Hui said it took two year...
1.If convicted, he is likely to face a hefty sentence. 2....
D88 hefty 20190701 1)翻译下面的句子: 如果被判有罪,他可能面临严重刑罚。 If convic...