- leetcode:172. Factorial Trailing
- [String]172. Factorial Trailing
- LeetCode 172. Factorial Trailing
- Leetcode 172. Factorial Trailing
- LeetCode 172. Factorial Trailing
- Leetcode 172. Factorial Trailing
- 172. Factorial Trailing Zeroes
- [刷题防痴呆] 0172 - 阶乘后的零 (Factorial
- 2022-03-25 「172. 阶乘后的零」
- 172. Factorial Trailing Zeroes
Given an integer n, return the number of trailing zeroes in n!.
Example 1:
Input: 3
Output: 0
Explanation: 3! = 6, no trailing zero.
Example 2:
Input: 5
Output: 1
Explanation: 5! = 120, one trailing zero.
Note: Your solution should be in logarithmic time complexity.
乍一看,该题是通过求阶乘,然后计算0的数量,但是如果当n是30的时候,所求出的结果已经超出了long long的存储范围。因此采用这种方式提交代码会报Runtime Error。
换一种思考方式,求0的个数,其实就是结果含有多少个10,10 = 2*5,而最终0的个数是由结果中含有5的个数确定的,因此这就显而易见了。
int trailingZeroes(int n) {
int fiveCount = 0;
while (n != 0) {
int tmpFiveCount = n / 5;
fiveCount += tmpFiveCount;
n = tmpFiveCount;
return fiveCount;