L5 U1-3-4 Types of Character 英语流

L5 U1-3-4 Types of Character 英语流

作者: 帳篷篷 | 来源:发表于2019-07-10 19:45 被阅读0次

Aggressive people often push their own ideas or try to force others to follow them.

Someone who is passive[1] will usually not resist the efforts of others.

An optimistic[2] person believes in a positive future.

Optimists see a glass as half full rather than half empty.

The opposite of an optimist is a pessimist[3].

An optimistic person believes in a positive future.

Optimists see a glass as half full rather than half empty.

The opposite of an optimist is a pessimist.

A mean[4] person doesn't treat other people well or with kindness.

Mean people often enjoy making people suffer for their mistakes.

"To be kind" is the opposite of "to be mean".

Conceited[5] people have a very high opinion of themselves.

They often talk about how great they are and tend to exaggerate their strengths.

Modest[6] people don't show off[7] their strengths, but are often very good at what they do.

  1. ['pæsiv] - ★★
    a. 消极的, 被动的, 冷漠的, 顺从的, 无源的

  2. [.ɒpti'mistik] - ★
    a. 乐观的, 乐观主义的, 乐天的 Optimists

  3. ['pesimist]
    n. 悲观者, 厌世者, 悲观主义者

  4. adj. 吝啬的; 小气的; 不善良; 刻薄

  5. [kәn'si:tid]
    a. 自负的, 逞能的, 狂想的

  6. ['mɒdɪst]
    adj. 谦虚的,谦逊的;适度的;端庄的;羞怯的

  7. 炫耀



      本文标题:L5 U1-3-4 Types of Character 英语流
