年轻的兄弟姐妹们更能创业 2018-06-19

年轻的兄弟姐妹们更能创业 2018-06-19

作者: NapoleonHill | 来源:发表于2018-06-19 22:19 被阅读0次

Younger siblings make the best business builders

I met an entrepreneurial headmistressrecently. A few years ago she was appointed to rescue a failing school, whichsuffered chronic problems with pupil discipline. On her first day she shut thedoors and asked every teacher to identify the worst offenders. They provided 72names. She excluded every disruptive teenager, saying they would not bereadmitted until she had met them and their parents for individual sessions inher study. Over the coming days she saw each one and in time almost allreturned to finish their education. Meanwhile, the atmosphere in the schoolimproved radically.


The really interesting aspect of herdramatic actions was that they broke all the rules. She had to ignore thesystem to fix the mess. Her methods were tough and unorthodox but highlyeffective. The school is now far improved and she has been feted.


Of course, complete rejection of all

authority can lead to prison. There is sometimes a fine line between being an

independent spirit and a criminal. A recent study at UC Berkeley Haas School of

Business suggests that many successful entrepreneurs share a history of getting

into trouble as teenagers. I know of two billionaires who were expelled from

school. Clashing with institutions –big

companies, government, schools –is almost expected of self-made men and

women. The need for autonomy is a compulsion among business founders –they have to build their own structures rather than

fit in with someone else’s.

当然,完全藐视一切权威可能会冒牢狱之灾。有时,独立精神和犯罪仅有一线之隔。加州大学伯克利分校哈斯商学院(UC Berkeley Haas School of Business)近期的一项研究显示,许多成功的企业家都曾在青少年时期惹过麻烦。我便认识两位曾被学校开除的亿万富翁。对于靠自身努力成功的人,与既有体制对抗——如大公司、政府、学校——几乎再正常不过。自主意识是企业创始人的必需品——他们必须建造自己的构架,而不是套用别人的构架。

A man who has consistently rejected external

controls is Craig Venter, a scientist-entrepreneur. He made his name as a key

promoter of the Human Genome Project and founded two companies, Celera Genomics

and Synthetic Genomics. He says: “In my

case, a rebellious attitude has probably been the most beneficial, although

painful at times, trait in my life.”He hasfallen out with various partners and organisations but his achievements areundeniable. He typifies the outsider who is also the pioneer, a loner who canbe more innovative because he refuses to conform.


Venter)便是一个不断抗拒外来控制的人,他既是一名科学家,也是一名企业家。他以推进人类基因组计划(Human Genome Project)而闻名,成立过两家公司——Celera

GenomicsSynthetic Genomics。他说:“就我个人而言,反叛精神尽管有时会带来挫折,却令我的人生受益良多。”他曾与多名合作伙伴和机构不欢而散,但他的成就无可否认。他是一个典型的置身体制之外的开拓者,一个因为拒绝遵守条条框框而更富有创造力的孤军奋战者。

Innovators need to challenge the

established order; they cannot simply follow existing pathways. Society

benefits from such invention even if it generates upheaval. It counteracts the

tendency for big companies to become resistant to change. As George Bernard

Shaw wrote in Maxims for Revolutionists: “The

reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in

trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends upon the

unreasonable man.”

创新者需要挑战既有秩序,不能只是循规蹈矩。创新或许能造成颠覆性的影响,但会造福社会。大公司会变得抗拒变革,而创新则与这种倾向相对抗。正如萧伯纳(George Bernard Shaw)在《致革命者的箴言》(maxims for


I have long believed that birth order is a factor in determining whether someone becomes an entrepreneur. Firstbornchildren tend to be more confident and perform best academically. They makeclassic authoritarian leaders and do well as executives in hierarchicalorganisations and in highly structured careers. They are used to takingresponsibility, conforming to expectations, giving orders and getting specialattention from their parents. They are more likely to be conscientious andprefer the status quo. But I believe they are less likely to be entrepreneurs,save if there is a family business to run.


Later-born children tend to have more

freedom. They are left to their own devices because parents, by then, have

become more relaxed about bringing up their offspring. There is less pressure

on them to be the perfect son or daughter. They are likely to be more creative,

more enthusiastic risk-takers but do less well in school. They often possess a

flexibility and independence that helps them build a start-up. They are perhaps

less interested in status and rank. Often, there is less weight of promise on

their shoulders –that is generally borne by the eldestchild. Younger siblings are free to pursue adventures. These characteristicsare advantageous to the entrepreneur.


Yet many entrepreneurs are also insecure.

Part of why they strive is because they seek praise and attention. Possibly

they are saying “Look at me Mummy/Daddy!”even as adults. Most have had to compete foraffection with siblings who are typically bigger and more mature in the earlyyears.


My amateur studies among entrepreneurs

suggest a majority of them were not first-born –perhaps

because they feel more comfortable being a maverick, working without many

restraints. I always felt that myself, as a third-born son. Of course, there

are degrees of rule-breaking. Complete anarchists do not become entrepreneurs –their energy is too destructive. Indeed, successfulenterprise relies on a proper system of laws and ownership of property. But itneeds challengers too.


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      本文标题:年轻的兄弟姐妹们更能创业 2018-06-19
