Lecture 1-2

Lecture 1-2

作者: zju_dream | 来源:发表于2019-01-15 00:27 被阅读0次

    P19.Optimizing and heuristic algorithms

    • 最优解(优化算法)和启发式的区别、原因


    • 有关optimization的三个定义
      • optimization problem: can be described as the problem of finding the best solution from the set of all feasible solutions in some real or imagined scenario.
      • optimization model: can be described as a mathematical representation of optimization problem. It consists of parameters, decision variables, objective function and constraints.
      • optimization method: is an algorithm that is applied in order to solve an optimation problem.


    • Optimizing and heuristic alogirithms
      • There are two categories of algorithms for sloving optimization problems
        • Optimizing: Guarantees to find the optimal solution
        • Heuristic: Does not guarantee to find the optimal solution, but usually generates a "good" solution within a reasonable amount of time.
      • Typically, heuristics can be stated as rules of thumb(经验法则) and they are often designed for a specific problem.

    P20.Why heuristics?


    1. 得到最优解要消耗大量计算资源
      • An optimizing algorithm might consume too much resources.
    2. 输入可能不是很准确,而启发式算法有较强的鲁棒性,能够找到一个不错的解
      • Input to algorithm might be inaccurate and a heuristically good solution might be good enough.
    3. 启发式算法更容易理解
      • For a non-expert, it might be easier to uderstand a heuristic rather than an optimizing algorithm.

    P22.Constructive heuristics(建设性启发式)

    • 均匀分布,在某个范围内等概率生成某些数
    • 步骤、过程,step0-2、了解一下流程图


    • A constructive heuristic is a method that iteratively "builds up" a solution.(迭代地构建解决方案)


    • Assuming that a solution consists of solution components, it starts with nothing and adds one value of exactly one variable(恰好一个变量的值) in each iteration.

    • 详细描述

    • Let x = (x_1, x_2, x_n) denote a solution to our problem

      • 对应上面的Assuming a solution consists of solution components
    • step0: Initialization: Begin with all free solution x^{(0)} = (-, ..., -) and set solution index t = 0

      • 对应上面的start with nothing
    • step1: Termination criteria: If t = n, then break with approximate optimum (近似最优)x = x^{(t)}

      • 对应下方的终止条件
    • setp2: Choose a solution component x_p and a value for x_p that plausibly(似真的) leads to a good feasible solution at termination.

    • Set x^{(t+1)} = x^{t} but with fixed variable x_p

    • Set solution index t = t+1, and go to step1

      • 选择一个解决方案组件xp,并为xp选择一个值,该值似乎可以在终止时提供一个良好的可行解决方案。
      • 对应于上面的adds one value of exactly one variable in each iteration


    • The algorithm ends when all variables have been assigned a value.


    • ... are used to generate a feasible starting solution which can be improved by other algorithm later on.

    P24.Greedy algorithm


    • A natural, and common type of constructive heuristics is greedy algorithms.
      • Each variable fixings(变量固定值) is choosen as the variable that locally improve the objective most.
      • Of course, variable fixings are choosen without breaking feasibility.

    P26-.Huffman’s algorithm

    • 哈夫曼编码、文字压缩

    • Huffman's algorithm - A greedy, constructive, algorithm for text compression.

    • Huffman's algorithm is a greedy algorithm that identifies the optimal code for a particular character set and text to code.(只需记住它是一种贪婪算法)



    • A graph is a set of objects that are connected to each other through links.

    P31.Binary tree


    • 两种定义方式
      • A tree is an undirected graph where each pair of vertices is connected by exactly one path.
      • A tree connected with n vertices and n-1 edges.


    • A binary tree is a rooted tree in which no node has more than two children.

    P35.Tries(prefix trees)


    • Character codes can be represented using a special type of tree.
    • In a tries, each node is associated with a string and each edge is labeled with a sequence of characters.
    • The root is an empty node.
    • The value of a node is concatenating the value of its parent with the character sequence on the edge connecting it with the parent.

    P36.Definition - Prefix


    • A prefix can be described as a starting of a word.


    • No character code is a prefix of another character code. This type of encoding is called prefix code.


    P42-.Huffmans’s algorithm


    • P43~P50中有例子

    P58.Neighborhood search


    • 定义邻居
      • 如果是在一维坐标轴上的实数
        • N ( \overline { x } ) = \left\{ x \in \mathbb { R } ^ { 1 } : | x - \overline { x } | \leq 1 \right\}
      • 如果是二维坐标
        • N ( \overline { x } , \overline { y } ) = \left\{ ( x , y ) \in \mathbb { R } ^ { 2 } : \sqrt { ( x - \overline { x } ) ^ { 2 } + ( x - \overline { y } ) ^ { 2 } } \leq 1 \right\}
    • 背包问题
      • Parameters:
        • n: The number of items
        • l: {1, ..., n} Index set over the n items
        • p_i: The value of item i
        • w_i: The weight of item i
        • W: The weight capacity of the knapsack
      • Decision variables:
        • x _ { i } \in \{ 0,1 \}
        • x_i = 1 if the item is chosen
        • x_i = 0 if the item is not chosen
      • Objective function:
        • Maximize \sum _ { i \in 1 } p _ { i } x _ { i }
      • Constraints:
        • \sum _ { i \in l } w _ { i } x _ { i } \leq W
        • x _ { i } \in \{ 0,1 \} \quad \forall i \in l
    • Example:
      • Maximize:

        • \sum _ { i = 1 } ^ { 4 } 4 x _ { 1 } + 10 x _ { 2 } + 5 x _ { 3 } + 8 x _ { 4 }
      • Subject to:

        • \sum _ { i = 1 } ^ { 4 } 3 x _ { 1 } + 9 x _ { 2 } + 4 x _ { 3 } + 6 x _ { 4 } \leq 12
        • x _ { i } \in \{ 0,1 \} \quad \forall i \in \{ 1,2,3,4 \}

    • 构建数学模型

      • Parameters:

        • n: 4
        • l: {1, 2, 3, 4}
        • p: {4, 10, 5, 8}
        • w: {3, 9, 4, 6}
        • W: 12
      • Decision variables:

        • x _ { i } \in \{ 0,1 \}
      • Subjective function:

        • MAX\sum _ { i = 1 } ^ { 4 } 4 x _ { 1 } + 10 x _ { 2 } + 5 x _ { 3 } + 8 x _ { 4 }
      • Constraints:

        • \sum _ { i = 1 } ^ { 4 } 3 x _ { 1 } + 9 x _ { 2 } + 4 x _ { 3 } + 6 x _ { 4 } \leq 12
    • 求解

    x(0) = [0 0 1 0]T      Z = 5
    N(x(0))  [1 0 1 0]T      Z = 9
                [0 1 1 0]T      infeasible
                [0 0 0 0]T      Z = 0
                [0 0 1 1]T      Z = 13
    x(1) = [0 0 1 1]T
    N(x(1))  [1 0 1 1]T     infeasible
                [0 1 1 1]T      infeasible
                [0 0 0 1]T      Z = 8
                [0 0 1 0]T      Z = 5
    x(1) is local optimal

    P89.Tabu search (不确定会考)

    • 哪些要、哪些不要
    x(0) = [0 0 1 0]T      Z = 5               tabu:None
    N(x(0))  [1 0 1 0]T      Z = 9
                [0 1 1 0]T      infeasible
                [0 0 0 0]T      Z = 0
                [0 0 1 1]T      Z = 13
    x(1) = [0 0 1 1]T                             tabu: x(0)
    N(x(1))  [1 0 1 1]T     infeasible
                [0 1 1 1]T      infeasible
                [0 0 0 1]T      Z = 8
                [0 0 1 0]T      Z = 5 (不选,this is tabu)
    x(2) = [0 0 0 1]                                tabu:x(1)
    N(x(2))  [1 0 0 1]   Z = 12
                 [0 1 0 1]   infeasible
                 [0 0 1 1]   tabu
                 [0 0 0 0]    Z = 0



    • A function that is defined in terms of itself is called recursive.

    • Recursive functions require at least one base case

      • A base case is an input value for which the function can be calculated without recursion.
      • Without a base case it is not possible to terminate the calculation of a recursion function.
      • 什么是base case(考点):base case是一个(输入)值,不需要递归就可以为其计算函数。


    • Example: f(x) = 2f(x -1) , where f(0) = 0 (x >= 0), f(0)=0为base case


    • Fundamental rules of recursion:
      • Base cases: There needs to be at least one base case, which can be solved whithout recursion.
      • Progress: For the cases that are solved using recursion, recursive calls must progress towards a base case.


    • 先分解再合并排序的过程
    • 写出每步步骤

    分治divide-and- conquer

    • Divide-and-conquer is an algorithm design technique based on recursion.

    • 分治是一种基于递归的算法设计技术。

    • Divide: Smaller problems are solved recursively

    • Conquer: The solutions to the original problem is found by combining the solutions to the (smaller) subproblems.

      • 原问题的解是由(较小的)子问题的解的组合得到的。

    P133.Dynamic Programming

    • 动态规划找出最优解、相比贪心算法的优点


    • 不选、选、画出图、动态规划要掌握该图
    • 背包问题的动态规划图
    • 图一定要会画(必考



          本文标题:Lecture 1-2
