Whateverlog -Wlog

Whateverlog -Wlog

作者: 诺曼蒂的猫 | 来源:发表于2018-01-03 13:50 被阅读0次

Back in a decade, blog was still a new name when Internet just brought into people's eyes. Recently a new term was introduced, Vlog. Rather than using words, people start using video to present what they did during the day. The topics have being come cross all sorts of area, fashion, trip, food, un-boxing, gaming, etc., regardless whether they are just showing off, or really share the good experience, they are really good idea and fun to watch. It always helps to kill my time when I am having dinner.

Picture from Google Images

I don't really like show myself to others on Internet, but I like to watch others. Those people who produces vlog, let's just call them "vloger" for now, usually funny and good at chatting. They just look at the camera, portending they are talking to you, and just spill out all the words. Fascinating.

Picture from Google Images

I can never stand in front of the camera, directly and along, even sometimes people are doing photo shooting and I will quietly moving out of the sign. I am more than happy to be at the back of the camera and press the shutter.

Maybe one day, after drunk, I can stand in front of the camera, doing all sorts of crazy things and my friend will upload to Youku or Youtube. But I am pretty sure i can not do it. Maybe that's why I couldn't join the drama school when I was a little kid and my parents sent me to interview. I have a lot of weakness, unhappiness and I don't want others know.


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      本文标题:Whateverlog -Wlog
