

作者: xmu_zhang_lab | 来源:发表于2020-10-14 08:07 被阅读0次


Weighted Nearest Neighbor Analysis

Compiled: October 12, 2020

This vignette introduces the weighted nearest neighbor (WNN) workflow for the analysis of multimodal single-cell datasets. The workflow consists of three steps

  • Independent preprocessing and dimensional reduction of each modality individually
  • Learning cell-specific modality 'weights', and constructing a WNN graph that integrates the modalities
  • Downstream analysis (i.e. visualization, clustering, etc.) of the WNN graph

We use the CITE-seq dataset from (Stuart, Butler et al, Cell 2019), which consists of 30,672 scRNA-seq profiles measured alongside a panel of 25 antibodies. The object contains two assays, RNA and antibody-derived tags (ADT).

To run this vignette please install Seurat v4, available as a beta release on our github page.

remotes::install_github("satijalab/seurat", ref = "release/4.0.0")
bm <- LoadData(ds = "bmcite")

We first perform pre-processing and dimensional reduction on both assays independently. We use standard normalization, but you can also use SCTransform or any alternative method.

DefaultAssay(bm) <- 'RNA'
bm <- NormalizeData(bm) %>% FindVariableFeatures() %>% ScaleData() %>% RunPCA()

DefaultAssay(bm) <- 'ADT'
# we will use all ADT features for dimensional reduction
# we set a dimensional reduction name to avoid overwriting the 
VariableFeatures(bm) <- rownames(bm[["ADT"]])
bm <- NormalizeData(bm, normalization.method = 'CLR', margin = 2) %>% 
  ScaleData() %>% RunPCA(reduction.name = 'apca')

For each cell, we calculate its closest neighbors in the dataset based on a weighted combination of RNA and protein similarities. The cell-specific modality weights and multimodal neighbors are calculated in a single function, which takes ~2 minutes to run on this dataset. We specify the dimensionality of each modality (similar to specifying the number of PCs to include in scRNA-seq clustering), but you can vary these settings to see that small changes have minimal effect on the overall results.

# Identify multimodal neighbors. These will be stored in the neighbors slot, 
# and can be accessed using bm[['weighted.nn']]
# The WNN graph can be accessed at bm[["wknn"]], 
# and the SNN graph used for clustering at bm[["wsnn"]]
# Cell-specific modality weights can be accessed at bm$RNA.weight
bm <- FindMultiModalNeighbors(
  bm, reduction.list = list("pca", "apca"), 
  dims.list = list(1:30, 1:18), modality.weight.name = "RNA.weight"

We can now use these results for downstream analysis, such as visualization and clustering. For example, we can create a UMAP visualization of the data based on a weighted combination of RNA and protein data We can also perform graph-based clustering and visualize these results on the UMAP, alongside a set of cell annotations.

bm <- RunUMAP(bm, nn.name = "weighted.nn", reduction.name = "wnn.umap", reduction.key = "wnnUMAP_")
bm <- FindClusters(bm, graph.name = "wsnn", algorithm = 3, resolution = 2, verbose = FALSE)
p1 <- DimPlot(bm, reduction = 'wnn.umap', label = TRUE, repel = TRUE, label.size = 2.5) + NoLegend()
p2 <- DimPlot(bm, reduction = 'wnn.umap', group.by = 'celltype.l2', label = TRUE, repel = TRUE, label.size = 2.5) + NoLegend()
p1 + p2


We can also compute UMAP visualization based on only the RNA and protein data and compare. We find that the RNA analysis is more informative than the ADT analysis in identifying progenitor states (the ADT panel contains markers for differentiated cells), while the converse is true of T cell states (where the ADT analysis outperforms RNA).

bm <- RunUMAP(bm, reduction = 'pca', dims = 1:30, assay = 'RNA', 
              reduction.name = 'rna.umap', reduction.key = 'rnaUMAP_')
bm <- RunUMAP(bm, reduction = 'apca', dims = 1:18, assay = 'ADT', 
              reduction.name = 'adt.umap', reduction.key = 'adtUMAP_')
p3 <- DimPlot(bm, reduction = 'rna.umap', group.by = 'celltype.l2', label = TRUE, 
              repel = TRUE, label.size = 2.5) + NoLegend()
p4 <- DimPlot(bm, reduction = 'adt.umap', group.by = 'celltype.l2', label = TRUE, 
              repel = TRUE, label.size = 2.5) + NoLegend()
p3 + p4


We can visualize the expression of canonical marker genes and proteins on the multimodal UMAP, which can assist in verifying the provided annotations:

p5 <- FeaturePlot(bm, features = c("adt_CD45RA","adt_CD16","adt_CD161"),
                  reduction = 'wnn.umap', max.cutoff = 2, 
                  cols = c("lightgrey","darkgreen"), ncol = 3)
p6 <- FeaturePlot(bm, features = c("rna_TRDC","rna_MPO","rna_AVP"), 
                  reduction = 'wnn.umap', max.cutoff = 3, ncol = 3)
p5 / p6


Finally, we can visualize the modality weights that were learned for each cell. Each of the populations with the highest RNA weights represent progenitor cells, while the populations with the highest protein weights represent T cells. This is in line with our biological expectations, as the antibody panel does not contain markers that can distinguish between different progenitor populations.

 VlnPlot(bm, features = "RNA.weight", group.by = 'celltype.l2', sort = TRUE, pt.size = 0.1) +




