class B extends A{
public $attribute2;
function operation2(){
class A{
public $attribute;
function operation1(){
$a = new B();
$b ->operation1();
$b ->attribute1 = 10;
$b ->operation2();
$b = attribute2 = 10;
// 通过继承使用private和protected访问修饰符控制可见性
// 重载
class A{
public $attribute = "default value";
function operation(){
echo "something<br />";
echo "the value of $attribute is ".$this->attribute."<br />";
class B extends A{
public $attribute = "different value";
function operation(){
echo "something else<br />";
echo "the value of $attribute is ".$this->attribute."<br />";
class B extends A{
public $attribute = "different value";
final function operation(){
echo "something else<br />";
echo "the value of $attribute is ".$this->attribute."<br />";
//B->A C->A
//不可以 C->B C->A