虚拟机运行正常,但是 power_state 为 NOSTATE

虚拟机运行正常,但是 power_state 为 NOSTATE

作者: hamburger01 | 来源:发表于2018-08-13 09:57 被阅读0次


    虚拟机运行正常,但是 power_state 为 NOSTATE

    [root@10e129e169e140 ~] openstack server show 050710bb-dbc5-44f2-aec8-7842fd0eac63 
    | Field                               | Value                                                     |
    | OS-DCF:diskConfig                   | MANUAL                                                    |
    | OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone         | hp_001                                                    |
    | OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host                | 10e129e170e11                                             |
    | OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname | 10e129e170e11                                             |
    | OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name       | instance-050710bb-dbc5-44f2-aec8-7842fd0eac63             |
    | OS-EXT-STS:power_state              | NOSTATE                                                   |
    | OS-EXT-STS:task_state               | None                                                      |
    | OS-EXT-STS:vm_state                 | active                                                    |
    | OS-SRV-USG:launched_at              | 2018-06-29T10:07:31.000000 
    | addresses                           | bj-net=; ext-net-cn2=            |
    | config_drive                        |                                                           |
    | created                             | 2018-06-29T10:07:21Z                                      |
    | flavor                              | 40C128G1600GEPH (138ab489-cc91-43ed-b392-44b2277f1371)    |
    | hostId                              | b47e6782505b685d311d1a2d0dabd6b1bf4c51437bafd1bc41d8c86f  |
    | id                                  | 050710bb-dbc5-44f2-aec8-7842fd0eac63                      |
    | image                               | centos72-zabbix (21c988d5-e700-486f-bc22-782a1cab2a7a)    |
    | key_name                            | bj                                                        |
    | name                                | 192e168e9e17                                              |
    | progress                            | 98                                                        |
    | project_id                          | 936444f7909e4757bd88eea04e9a9550                          |
    | properties                          | nic_multiqueue_enabled='true'                             |
    | security_groups                     | id='b3418b96-6bc4-4117-9f9d-19e40e913db8', name='default' |
    | status                              | ACTIVE                                                    |
    | updated                             | 2018-08-06T08:00:46Z                                      |
    | user_id                             | b89c47694bad4fb28383a32325a7de3b                          |
    | volumes_attached                    | id='e86300f5-e268-4464-b68d-9d1c0e3bec51'                 |

    compute 日志发现 InstanceNotFound

    2018-08-06 16:02:05.346 13910 WARNING nova.compute.manager [req-a5db4fe4-250d-4795-9bbc-08be341dc900 8a974b0ae27f40ee87a92916f909360d c0f1fa6073be435491e4309ce0be959b - default default] [instance: 050710bb-dbc5-44f2-aec8-7842fd0eac63] Instance is unexpectedly not found. Ignore.: InstanceNotFound: Instance 050710bb-dbc5-44f2-aec8-7842fd0eac63 could not be found.
    2018-08-06 16:02:05.347 13910 DEBUG oslo_concurrency.lockutils [req-a5db4fe4-250d-4795-9bbc-08be341dc900 8a974b0ae27f40ee87a92916f909360d c0f1fa6073be435491e4309ce0be959b - default default] Lock "050710bb-dbc5-44f2-aec8-7842fd0eac63" released by "nova.compute.manager.query_driver_power_state_and_sync" :: held 0.081s inner /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_concurrency/lockutils.py:285

    manager.py 捕获到 InstanceNotFound 设置 vm_power_state=NOSTATE

    file:  /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nova/compute/manager.py 
        def _query_driver_power_state_and_sync(self, context, db_instance):
            if db_instance.task_state is not None:
                LOG.info("During sync_power_state the instance has a "
                         "pending task (%(task)s). Skip.",
                         {'task': db_instance.task_state}, instance=db_instance)
            # No pending tasks. Now try to figure out the real vm_power_state.
                vm_instance = self.driver.get_info(db_instance)
                vm_power_state = vm_instance.state
            except exception.InstanceNotFound:         "捕获InstanceNotFound"
                vm_power_state = power_state.NOSTATE    
            # Note(maoy): the above get_info call might take a long time,
            # for example, because of a broken libvirt driver.
            except exception.InstanceNotFound:
                # NOTE(hanlind): If the instance gets deleted during sync,
                # silently ignore.
    nova@localhost 17:00:  [(none)]> select * from nova.instances where \n uuid='050710bb-dbc5-44f2-aec8-7842fd0eac63'\G
    *************************** 1. row ***************************
                  created_at: 2018-06-29 10:07:21
                  updated_at: 2018-08-06 08:00:46
                  deleted_at: NULL
                          id: 1822
                     user_id: b89c47694bad4fb28383a32325a7de3b
                  project_id: 936444f7909e4757bd88eea04e9a9550
                launch_index: 0
                    key_name: bj
                 power_state: 0
                    vm_state: active
                   memory_mb: 131072
                       vcpus: 40
                    hostname: 192e168e9e17
                        host: 10e129e170e11
                 launched_at: 2018-06-29 10:07:31
               terminated_at: NULL
                display_name: 192e168e9e17
         display_description: NULL
           availability_zone: hp_001
                      locked: 0
                     os_type: linux
                 launched_on: 10e129e170e26
                        uuid: 050710bb-dbc5-44f2-aec8-7842fd0eac63
                        node: 10e129e170e11
                     deleted: 0
                     cleaned: 1
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    nova@localhost 17:00:  [(none)]> 

    数据库记录在 10e129e170e11 节点,实际 Instance 启动在10e129e170e41 节点

    [root@10e129e169e140 ~]# nova instance-action-list  050710bb-dbc5-44f2-aec8-7842fd0eac63
    | Action           | Request_ID                               | Message | Start_Time                 | Updated_At                 |
    | create           | req-474eec18-92ae-4b66-86b0-18a2bbd08806 | -       | 2018-06-29T10:07:21.000000 | 2018-06-29T10:07:32.000000 |
    | attach_volume    | req-634dc62c-d26f-4867-9ab3-13b947edf266 | -       | 2018-06-29T10:12:48.000000 | 2018-06-29T10:12:50.000000 |
    | attach_interface | req-45778f28-28f4-4e86-a0e7-88c326372a09 | -       | 2018-06-29T10:46:32.000000 | 2018-06-29T10:46:36.000000 |
    | live-migration   | req-cc2eb8dd-8e94-477a-a91d-aab0699a815d | Error   | 2018-07-12T10:01:47.000000 | 2018-07-12T10:01:50.000000 |
    [root@10e129e170e41 ~] virsh list --all
     Id    Name                           State
     12    instance-050710bb-dbc5-44f2-aec8-7842fd0eac63 running
     13    instance-fcb96c44-340e-4663-83a1-5e999246833f running


    由于之前 migrate ERROR 导致 instance 实际启动的节点和数据库记录的节点不一致,comoute 通过 manager.py 捕获到 InstanceNotFound, 所以把 vm_power_state 状态置为 NOSTATE





          本文标题:虚拟机运行正常,但是 power_state 为 NOSTATE
