

作者: jacky郑_晟_ | 来源:发表于2019-12-05 09:45 被阅读0次

           号外!号外!2019年12月5日17:30,医协体全国多学科云平台邀请Christopher E. Starr, MD 直播,分享优化术前患者的眼表疾病诊断及治疗。医协体全国多学科云平台和全国非公立医疗机构协会共同打造网络学院,邀请众多大咖分享,请大家持续关注网络学院。



    威尔-康奈尔医学院眼科学副教授、眼科教育主任Associate Professor of Ophthalmology, Director of Ophthalmic Education at Weill Cornell Medical College

    威尔-康奈尔医学院,纽约长老教会医院角膜科主任、白内障&屈光手术研究员、屈光手术科主任Director of the cornea, cataract & refractive surgery fellowship and director of the refractive surgery service at Weill Cornell Medicine, New York-Presbyterian Hospital in New York City.

    ASCRS角膜临床委员会会员,参与2019 ASCRS和ESCRS联合发布的术前眼表疾病诊断及治疗管理流程Member of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) Cornea Clinical Committee. Co-authors of an algorithm for the preoperative diagnosis and treatment of ocular surface disorders, which is published by ASCRS and ESCRS in 2019.

    TFOS全球大使,TFOS DEWS II小组委员会委员之一He was named a Global Ambassador of the Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society (TFOS) and is a subcommittee member of the influential TFOS Dry Eye Workshop II (DEWS II).

    他在角膜领域的研究获得过Johns Hopkins Walter Stark 研究奖His corneal research has earned him the Walter Stark Research Prize at Johns Hopkins.

    他致力于住院医师教育,并获得纽约大学年度教师奖his dedication to resident education earned him the Teacher of the Year Award at New York University.

    他获得过6次纽约杂志最佳医生奖Castle Connolly美国顶级医生、美国最佳医生、美国顶级眼科医生、杰出医生奖、Avvo.com & Arrive Magazine 提名他为美国东北部十佳眼科医生Other recent awards include New York Magazine Best Doctors (6 times) and Castle Connolly America’s Top Doctors, Best Doctors in America, America’s Top Ophthalmologists, SuperDoctors, Premier Surgeon’s PS250 & PS300 Awards, and Avvo.com & Arrive Magazine named him one of ten Top Ophthalmologist’s in the Northeast US.

    他就读于布朗大学、康奈尔医学院、哈佛大学麻省眼耳专科医院、Johns Hopkins大学Wilmer 眼科研究所He is a graduate of Brown University (undergraduate), Cornell University Medical College (medical school), Harvard University/Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary (residency), and Johns Hopkins University/Wilmer Eye Institute (fellowship).

    研究方向包括干眼疾病诊断及治疗,人工角膜,创新的白内障及屈光表面消融技术,圆锥角膜筛查His research interests include dry eye disease treatment and diagnostics, keratoprostheses, innovative cataract and refractive surface ablation techniques and advanced keratoconus screening.

    杂志编委: Refractive Eyecare, Advanced Ocular Care, Cataract & Refractive Surgery Today, Current Ophthalmology Reports and Millennial Eye.

    发表:He has published 10 textbook chapters, 26 peer-reviewed manuscripts as well as hundreds of scientific presentations, abstracts, posters, lectures, films, articles.

    参与:He is a regular medical contributor on national television and radio shows including CBS This Morning, Today Show, Fox News, and SiriusXM and is frequently interviewed for ophthalmic articles online and in print media (New York Times, Washington Post, New York Magazine, Prevention Magazine, Reuters and many others). He is a spokesperson for the AAO and is the ophthalmic correspondent for CBS News.





