托福TPO阅读词汇表 | TPO 40 第2篇阅读

托福TPO阅读词汇表 | TPO 40 第2篇阅读

作者: Larry教育评论 | 来源:发表于2019-04-05 17:53 被阅读0次

    Word Types: 338

    Word Tokens: 697

    Search Hits: 0

    1 37 the
    2 21 in
    3 21 to
    4 16 temperature
    5 15 and
    6 15 of
    7 14 body
    8 12 a
    9 11 are
    10 11 is
    11 9 amphibians
    12 9 or
    13 8 temperatures
    14 8 their
    15 7 by
    16 7 species
    17 7 that
    18 5 behavior
    19 5 during
    20 5 frog
    21 5 ground
    22 5 with
    23 4 ambient
    24 4 avoidance
    25 4 can
    26 4 it
    27 4 its
    28 4 over
    29 4 skin
    30 4 toad
    31 4 which
    32 4 ºc
    33 3 activity
    34 3 adaptations
    35 3 against
    36 3 american
    37 3 amphibian
    38 3 as
    39 3 control
    40 3 deep
    41 3 hot
    42 3 into
    43 3 long
    44 3 most
    45 3 north
    46 3 not
    47 3 occurs
    48 3 one
    49 3 range
    50 3 some
    51 3 summer
    52 3 thermoregulation
    53 3 they
    54 3 thigmothermy
    55 3 tolerance
    56 3 while
    57 2 absorption
    58 2 active
    59 2 air
    60 2 also
    61 2 andean
    62 2 arid
    63 2 because
    64 2 been
    65 2 common
    66 2 conditions
    67 2 desiccation
    68 2 diurnal
    69 2 dry
    70 2 earth
    71 2 effect
    72 2 especially
    73 2 exercise
    74 2 exposed
    75 2 for
    76 2 frost
    77 2 has
    78 2 heat
    79 2 heliothermy
    80 2 hibernation
    81 2 high
    82 2 however
    83 2 important
    84 2 lethal
    85 2 low
    86 2 many
    87 2 means
    88 2 more
    89 2 morphological
    90 2 physiological
    91 2 radiation
    92 2 remain
    93 2 rock
    94 2 solar
    95 2 surrounding
    96 2 survive
    97 2 than
    98 2 them
    99 2 therefore
    100 2 this
    101 2 through
    102 2 thus
    103 2 water
    104 2 when
    105 2 winter
    106 2 within
    107 1 able
    108 1 above
    109 1 accelerates
    110 1 accelerating
    111 1 acclimatization
    112 1 additionally
    113 1 african
    114 1 after
    115 1 agents
    116 1 allow
    117 1 allows
    118 1 although
    119 1 always
    120 1 among
    121 1 annual
    122 1 approach
    123 1 approximately
    124 1 assist
    125 1 at
    126 1 attains
    127 1 avoid
    128 1 away
    129 1 barrier
    130 1 basking
    131 1 before
    132 1 behavioral
    133 1 behaviors
    134 1 better
    135 1 birds
    136 1 boundaries
    137 1 bufo
    138 1 burrowing
    139 1 change
    140 1 cold
    141 1 colonizing
    142 1 comfortable
    143 1 conductivity
    144 1 confronted
    145 1 consumed
    146 1 contain
    147 1 contrast
    148 1 conversely
    149 1 cool
    150 1 cooler
    151 1 cooling
    152 1 correspond
    153 1 correspondingly
    154 1 corresponds
    155 1 crevasses
    156 1 crystals
    157 1 day
    158 1 days
    159 1 daytime
    160 1 degree
    161 1 dehydration
    162 1 described
    163 1 despite
    164 1 digestion
    165 1 do
    166 1 does
    167 1 drop
    168 1 dual
    169 1 dug
    170 1 dwelling
    171 1 either
    172 1 elements
    173 1 enable
    174 1 energy
    175 1 entire
    176 1 estivating
    177 1 estivation
    178 1 evaporation
    179 1 evaporative
    180 1 even
    181 1 evident
    182 1 example
    183 1 exchange
    184 1 exhibit
    185 1 exposure
    186 1 extreme
    187 1 extremely
    188 1 factor
    189 1 false
    190 1 far
    191 1 fascinating
    192 1 feels
    193 1 film
    194 1 five
    195 1 flexible
    196 1 fluids
    197 1 forced
    198 1 free
    199 1 frogs
    200 1 from
    201 1 frozen
    202 1 fully
    203 1 function
    204 1 gland
    205 1 glucose
    206 1 glycerin
    207 1 good
    208 1 greasy
    209 1 growth
    210 1 guanine
    211 1 habitat
    212 1 habitats
    213 1 hardly
    214 1 have
    215 1 helps
    216 1 hibernating
    217 1 hiding
    218 1 highest
    219 1 holes
    220 1 hyperolius
    221 1 idea
    222 1 immediately
    223 1 inactivity
    224 1 include
    225 1 increase
    226 1 independent
    227 1 instead
    228 1 insufficient
    229 1 itself
    230 1 latitudes
    231 1 lies
    232 1 limited
    233 1 losses
    234 1 maintain
    235 1 mammals
    236 1 measured
    237 1 mechanisms
    238 1 mercy
    239 1 metabolic
    240 1 mild
    241 1 modifications
    242 1 moist
    243 1 mountains
    244 1 moving
    245 1 much
    246 1 mud
    247 1 natterjack
    248 1 natterjacks
    249 1 newt
    250 1 no
    251 1 nocturnal
    252 1 offers
    253 1 on
    254 1 other
    255 1 overheating
    256 1 overnight
    257 1 particular
    258 1 passing
    259 1 periods
    260 1 permeable
    261 1 phyllomedusa
    262 1 poor
    263 1 positive
    264 1 preferred
    265 1 present
    266 1 pressing
    267 1 prevail
    268 1 prevent
    269 1 prey
    270 1 principal
    271 1 produce
    272 1 protected
    273 1 protection
    274 1 protective
    275 1 proven
    276 1 provide
    277 1 providing
    278 1 purpose
    279 1 pyrenees
    280 1 rainfall
    281 1 ranging
    282 1 recently
    283 1 reducing
    284 1 reflect
    285 1 region
    286 1 regions
    287 1 regulate
    288 1 represents
    289 1 respectively
    290 1 responds
    291 1 result
    292 1 rise
    293 1 sandy
    294 1 sauvagei
    295 1 savanna
    296 1 season
    297 1 seasonal
    298 1 secretions
    299 1 semi
    300 1 serves
    301 1 shelter
    302 1 shown
    303 1 side
    304 1 since
    305 1 south
    306 1 southern
    307 1 spain
    308 1 spinulosusexposes
    309 1 still
    310 1 stores
    311 1 structure
    312 1 substrates
    313 1 such
    314 1 sun
    315 1 sunrise
    316 1 temperate
    317 1 term
    318 1 thermal
    319 1 thermoregulators
    320 1 thermoregulatory
    321 1 third
    322 1 tissues
    323 1 toads
    324 1 tree
    325 1 typical
    326 1 unable
    327 1 up
    328 1 viridiflavus
    329 1 vital
    330 1 warm
    331 1 warmed
    332 1 weather
    333 1 whatsoever
    334 1 whenever
    335 1 where
    336 1 whose
    337 1 winters
    338 1 would



          本文标题:托福TPO阅读词汇表 | TPO 40 第2篇阅读
