One day in Xi’an
The day, my third day in Xi’ an, I plan to visit two sights--Huaqing Hot Spring and Terra Cotta Warriors for they are in the same direction. Since this trip made on the spur of the moment, I had no idea about how to start my trip until the day after I arrived at this city.
8:13 Bus station
When I reach at the bus station next to the Xi’an Railway Station, the line waiting to the same destination is already twenty meters long. People waiting at the line are talking about the next trip, the things happened to them yesterday and so on, while I am searching the next destination on the Internet.
9:36 Huaqing Hot Spring
Huaqing Hot Spring, located on the foot ofMount Li is a bathing pool of Concubine Yang, the most favorite concubine ofemperor Minghuang. In this scenic spot, other bathing pools for princes imperial,princesses imperial and Minghuang are just close to Huaqing Hot Spring, but allof the surface buildings of these bathing pools were destroyed by war.After finished this visiting on the foot of Mount Li,walking with other tourists, I also choose to climb the Mount Li.
14:02 Terra Cotta Warriors
When I get off the bus to Terra CottaWarriors, the high temperature outside of thedoorcarmakes me hard to breath. Waiting in the lineto buy ticket, I feel like someone keeps an eye on me. Looking up from my phone,I find a foreigner is watchingoveronme. At the moment he say “Hi” to me, I remember him, the boy I met at the BigWild Goose Pagoda yesterday. With the talk with him, I get the message that he comesfrom America, the same age as me, named Kyle Novak. We share the trip with eachother in the later trip.
19:30 South Gate
Having a pleasant conversation at TerraCotta Warriors, we want to prolong the time to discuss some topics we want. Then,we choose to have bicycle riding along the rampart. There is no special streetlamp at the rampart, but the road at the rampart is not darkat allfor the red light from the lanterns on therampart and the light from the city. The horizon seen from the rampart is verycharming.