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The Mysterious Laboratory (9)

The Mysterious Laboratory (9)

作者: 请叫我鱼君 | 来源:发表于2016-08-18 21:25 被阅读0次

    Chapter 9 Blood

    I held out my arms to cover my face, the stinky odor of its teeth nearly knocked me down. “Has this creature brushed its teeth before?” I thought, trying to distract myself from the deepest fear in my mind. “If it managed to bite me, I will step on the button.” The dinosaur leaned toward me, I covered my nose, waiting for its next movement. When its gigantic jaws were going to swallow my entire arm, a strange thing happened. Several holes appeared on the powerful jaws of the Ceratosaurus, they were completely black, as if nothing can go through them. The dinosaur roared in great pain and anger, its blood gushed out form those wounds, I stood there motionlessly, got freaked in front of the dying creature. Its yellow murky eyes looked into mine, as if saying “How did you kill me simply with your hand?” Then it fell heavily to the ground with its last roar of desperation.

    Shocked by the sanguineous scene simply directed and produced by myself, I looked at my hands, which were covered with the scarlet blood of the dinosaur. I was terrified and my mind ran with thoughts. “How could I kill an enormous dinosaur by touching it with my hand? Have I been given some kind of special power to be the dinosaur slayer? What should I do now? I become a murder! ” With my mind spinning rapidly. The voice of Dr. Mystery broke into my ears. It was the first time for me to notice that Dr. Mystery could spy on me and what I was doing in an entirely different world. But he told me it was the first time for this machine to send people here, how could he be such an expert in mastering the machine. Many questions popped up in my mind, and some loopholes in his words started to appear.

    He cleared his throat, “Firstly, congratulations for you to try out our very special protecting system, my dear.” “What? You are saying that this cruel slaying system was actually the protecting system?” I talked to the humid air. “Indeed, do you think this is cruel? But I think it is the best way to protect you.” “No. Please just turn off this stupid system and sent me home. I don’t want to kill anything innocent including a dinosaur which wanted to swallow me.” “Well, I think you should get more….Ok, it’s your right to come back for anytime. So see you later.” Dr. Mystery hung up our hugely-gapped phone call (Well, it couldn’t be called a phone call). I started recalling his words, he mentioned I should get more stuff for him. But exactly what did he mean “more”, what did he really want? I was puzzled but didn’t realize a bigger plot which was not expressed in his words.



        本文标题:The Mysterious Laboratory (9)
