

作者: 曼朵萝 | 来源:发表于2020-10-14 19:59 被阅读0次



拍一拍某人 tickle 

killing spree 




shut down 

spill the tea 

Your head's full of bubble gum. 

pop bubble wrap 

bubble butt

live in a bubble 


Bob and his friends think that climate change isn't real. They live in a bubble!

Nelson lives in a bubble. He never tries new food or goes out with new people.

Geraldine doesn't want to meet my new friends. She thinks they live in a bubble.


这里是 BBC英语教学的 “地道英语” 节目。我们正在教给大家 “living in a bubble” 这个表达的意思和用法。我们用 “living in a bubble” 形象地来形容某人生活在一个泡泡当中,不愿意听取与自己不同的意见,不愿意接受新鲜事物;也就是说,一个人与外界没有联系,与世隔绝。

a sticking point 


Trade tariffs were a sticking point in the negotiations.

Bob and Ahmed could not agree on the budget. The amount spent on stationery was a real sticking point.

The amount of time it would take to build the railway was a sticking point when it came to signing the final agreement.


这里是 BBC英语教学的 “地道英语” 节目。我们刚才为大家介绍了 “sticking point” 的意思。通常,我们用 “sticking point” 来指代谈判或讨论中的阻塞点、分歧点。

skeleton crew 


Due to the financial problems of the company, the office will be run with a skeleton crew for the foreseeable future. 

The Covid-19 emergency means that we will run the buses with a skeleton crew until further notice.

A skeleton crew will be needed to keep the park open over the winter months.


你正在收听的是 BBC英语教学的 “地道英语”。在这期节目里,我们教给大家的地道表达是 “skeleton crew”。它指的是运营一家企业或机构所需的最低员工人数。



He’s always flexing on social media, - showing these glamorous pictures of his holidays!

People who flex are so annoying! It’s just showing off.

She can’t stop flexing about her new house, but it’s actually not that nice.


这里是BBC英语教学的 “地道英语” 节目。我们在这期节目中教给大家单词 “flexing” 在现代英语中的意思和用法。如果一个人在炫耀一些奇怪或俗气的东西的时候,其他人可能会用这句话来作出评论:“Weird flex, but OK.”



She was so salty when she lost the board game. It’s really not that important.

He was so salty yesterday when nobody wanted to go to lunch with him.

I’m sorry – it was a bad joke, but there’s no need to get salty about it!


你正在收听的是 BBC英语教学的 “地道英语”。在这期节目里,我们教给大家单词 “salty” 在现代英语中的新用法。“Salty” 作形容词的时候除了可以表达 “食物的味道是咸的”,现在,它还被人们用来形容某人因为不值得一提的小事而不高兴、生气,甚至恼羞成怒。Now, Roy, you’re salty because I won’t give you more sweets!

something is (straight) fire!


Have you checked out my new phone? It’s fire. It can do so many cool things!

I went to a concert to see ‘Rob’s Rolling Biscuits’ last night. Their new song is fire.

That new series everyone is talking about is fire! It’s got dragons, zombies and vampires in it. I love it!


你正在收听的是 BBC英语教学的 “地道英语” 节目。我们在一起学习用 “fire” 这个词描述事物 “非常好,特别棒”,就好比我们汉语里说的 “火”。

left on read


I can’t believe I was left on read. I sent him a message and I can see he’s looked at it, but he hasn’t replied!

My partner always leaves me on read. They get really distracted and then don’t message me back.

You shouldn’t assume the worst if you get left on read. If someone reads your message and doesn’t reply, they might be really busy and planning to respond later.


你正在收听的是 BBC英语教学的 “地道英语”。在这期节目里,我们给大家讲解了 “left on read” 的意思和用法。如果一个人读了一条信息,但没有回复,这时,我们就可以用 “left on read”。So, were you really eating a banana and that’s why you left me on read?



Because my free time is short, it’s good to find some snackable videos I can watch on my smartphone while I wait for the bus.

The short city guides I found on the internet are very snackable and great for planning my trip around Africa.

These days, videos are often less than a minute long so that they’re snackable and appeal to a younger audience.


这里是 BBC英语教学的 “地道英语” 节目。在这集节目中,我们一起学习 “snackable” 这个词在互联网时代的意思和用法。“Snackable” 现在多用来指简短、容易被人们理解和消化的概念和内容,也就是人们俗称的 “快餐式内容”。

 I’m snacking on some very funny cat videos.



I can’t believe all these sheeple who’ve paid lots of money for the latest smartphone. They’ll be half price in a few months’ time!

My brother’s one of those sheeple who has to follow the latest fashions. He’s now wearing ripped jeans, but so is everyone else at his college!

Although nearly everyone in my class has one of those smartwatches, I’m not going to be one of those sheeple – I’m going to stick with my old watch my grandmother gave me instead!


你正在收听的是 BBC英语教学的 “地道英语”。以上,我们给大家讲了名词 “sheeple” 的意思和用法。Sheeple describes people, who just like sheep, follow what other people do or things that are trending.

It’s a bit stodgy, heavy… even lumpy.

have a memory like a sieve 


I’ve been making my own lunch to take to work, but I’ve got a memory like a sieve and I keep leaving it at home!

My husband’s got a memory like a sieve – he keeps going out and leaving the iron switched on.

I’ve got a memory like a sieve – I left the house without my keys this morning and now I’m locked out!


你正在收听的是 BBC英语教学的 “地道英语” 节目。这集节目中教给大家表达 “have a memory like a sieve” 的意思和用法。我们可以用 “have a memory like a sieve” 来指一个人的记忆力差,十分健忘。Just like flour falling through the sieve that Rob should have used when baking a cake! So are you going to try again, Rob?

Let me talk you through it step by step. 

I like the sound of this 

social media influencers 


Our company was finding it hard to reach new customers aged 16-25. Then we hired a few social media influencers and sales just rocketed.

Kylie Jenner is one of America’s biggest social media influencers. Companies pay her up to a million dollars for a single post!

There’s a lot of debate about whether or not influencers should be open about who is paying them to promote products.



