Misery loves company. 一起比惨,痛苦参半
Psychopath. 神经病啊
Shut the fuck up. 闭上你的嘴
You suck. 你弱爆了
They got nothing on you. 他们比不上你
Cut the crap. 废话少说
Back to the drawing board. 重头再来
Work like a dog. 努力工作
peace out. 再见
Third time lucky. 事不过三
Misery loves company. 一起比惨,痛苦参半
Psychopath. 神经病啊
Shut the fuck up. 闭上你的嘴
You suck. 你弱爆了
They got nothing on you. 他们比不上你
Cut the crap. 废话少说
Back to the drawing board. 重头再来
Work like a dog. 努力工作
peace out. 再见
Third time lucky. 事不过三