Day 137 :21 Days of Effective Co

Day 137 :21 Days of Effective Co

作者: 南瓜南瓜 | 来源:发表于2021-07-15 22:09 被阅读0次

    There’s no doubt about it – communication skills are vital to success.

    Communication should be natural – so why do we find it challenging? All the progress the human race has enjoyed comes down to communication.

    We need these vital skills to form relationships, exchange ideas, and enjoy spending time with family and friends. Unfortunately, our life experiences often get in the way, and we start to lose touch with our natural abilities.

    For a while, I felt a bit sorry for myself. I assumed that some people are born to be great communicators, and that it’s pointless to try and practice social skills if you aren’t gifted with a natural talent for conversation. Looking back now, I had so much to learn. As I discovered, you can definitely improve your skills in this area, regardless of your age or background.

    To be honest, they’ve been specially designed to push you beyond your comfort zone. Prepare to work hard, because the results are well worth the effort. Communication is like any other skill – the more you practice, the better you become.

    Day 1: Listen

    1. Use non-intrusive verbal and non-verbal signals to encourage them to keep talking: Nodding, and saying, “Uh huh” and “I see” are short,

    2. Let them keep going until they run out of steam:.One of the most useful, fundamental – and difficult – listening skills of all is to keep quiet and let the other person hold the floor.

    3. Do not play the role of armchair psychologist:

    4. Do not interrupt with unsolicited advice:Resist the urge to tell them that you know exactly what they are going through. To put it bluntly, you don’t. Two people can have a similar experience, yet their personality types, upbringing, and previous life events mean that they will not experience the same emotions.Remember, no one is obliged to follow your recommendations. Put your ego to one side.

    5.Re-phrase someone else’s words, but don’t parrot them back:

    6. Check your assumptions:

    Do not project your own feelings onto someone else. Let them tell you what a situation means for them personally.

    Day 2: Count The Number Of Times You Interrupt Other People

    1. Set targets and give yourself rewards: Set a realistic goal and choose a small reward as a suitable incentive.

    2. Stick up signs: The simplest solutions can be the best! I keep a small sticky note on my computer monitor to remind me not to interrupt others.

    3. Write down any points you want to make in advance: While you can’t take notes during an unplanned conversation, you can take a list with you to a scheduled meeting.

    4. Remember that your silence is just as influential as your voice: No one likes a showoff or a person who appears to love the sound of their own voice.

    5. Practice biting your tongue: The phrase “bite your tongue” can be taken literally here.

    Day 3: Become An Inclusive Communicator

    1. Don’t emphasize a characteristic if it isn’t necessary to do so:

    2. Don’t assume a person’s gender or sexual orientation:

    3. If you need to talk about someone’s disability, do so in neutral terms:

    4. Focus on a person, not any disabilities they might have:

    5. Do not uphold stereotypes:

    6. Show respect for race and ethnicity through proper capitalization in written communication:

    7. Be mindful of context:

    8. Avoid patronizing individuals or groups of people:

    Why your vocabulary really does make a difference

    There is a link between vocabulary and occupational success.

    A strong vocabulary is the best foundation for communication,When you have more words at your disposal, you are in a better position to deliver exactly the right message.

    Someone with a wide vocabulary can tailor their oral and written communication to a range of audiences, meaning that they can grow productive relationships with others that allow them to flourish.

    1. Use a new word every day:

    2. Use apps and online games to expand your vocabulary:

    freerice.com.PowerVocab (vocabulary.com), 7 Little Words (7littlewords.com), and Words With Friends 2 (zynga.com) are all popular apps that make learning new words simple.

    3. Become a word enthusiast: Learning words in isolation will help grow your vocabulary but gaining a deeper appreciation of a word’s structure and roots will put you in a good position to understand new words you encounter in the future.

    4. Read widely: This is the classic piece of advice for anyone who wants to sound intelligent and educated.

    Day 5: Swap “But” For “And,” & Embrace “Yet”

    The more you repeat them, the further entrenched you are in the role of someone who would love to change their life yet cannot do so because they are held back by a single factor beyond their control. When I teach my clients to drop the “buts” and swap them for “and” instead, I usually see a rapid transformation.

    “But” can also make people defensive.

    The power of “yet” Simply putting “yet” on the end of a negative statement can transform its meaning.Using “yet” signals to yourself and others that you haven’t given up. You are acknowledging that things might change.

    This technique doesn’t just work in conversation. It is also effective when it comes to your own self-talk. It promotes a sense of positivity and potential, while still encouraging you to remain realistic.

    Limit your “I”s



          本文标题:Day 137 :21 Days of Effective Co
