different angle of the ear 这里是形容耳廓的弧度
binary reproduction
lead to
font-back confusions
resolved with dynamic cues
each chart shows a source of frequency on horizontal axis and the magnitude of the head related transfer function of a specific sound souce location on a vertical axis, and the HRTFs of different people are different, are plotted in different colors (如何介绍charts上的内容)
frontal 正面的
n. 事件,事变;插曲
adj. [光] 入射的;附带的;易发生的,伴随而来的
at the median plane 在中平面
overcome 克服
costly and time consuming 费时费力
correspond to 相当,相类似; 相当于,对应; 相当于;和…相符合; 相似; 相应于; 与.
result are promising 结果是有前途的(有保证的)
readily available 现成的 速效
anthropology of the ear (anthropology的用法)
ventriloquist effect 腹语效应
audio is accompanied by 伴随着 visuals
contradiction n. 矛盾;否认;反驳
a prominent example 一个突出的例子
puppeteer makes the mouth of the puppet move in synchrony with what this person, what the puppeteer is saying. (puppeteer puppet)
originates from (用于声音从哪里传出来)
discrepancy n. 不符;矛盾;相差
visual cue pulls 拉 the auditory localization to the correct location