Xcode 警告处理⚠️

Xcode 警告处理⚠️

作者: BlessNeo | 来源:发表于2017-03-29 10:15 被阅读111次

2. Silencing “Documentation issue” warnings in Xcode?

E.g. '@param' command used in a comment that is not attached to a function declaration
This warning is valid, however, I am compiling 3rd party code and wish to not have to alter the original source.
I am running Xcode 8.2.1.

代码文档注释不规范,Xcode 就会报 Documentation issue 警告,所以,写规范点你会死啊!!!

拓展阅读:inhibit_all_warnings doesn't work for header files #5589

1. 最近升级了 Xcode,版本号是8.3(8E162),编译工程后,出现了很多Apple Mach-O Linker Warning类型的警告。

Google 了一下,StackOverflow 上给出的解释是:

It probably means their binary file has non-aligned pointer when they compile their code. In those cases, the alignment basically defaults to 1 byte and hypothetically might impact performance. After updating to Xcode 8.3 public release I am still seeing this error, so Google might need to compile their static library with different settings to make it go away.

网上说的是 Google 的 firebase analytics ,而我的情况全部出在百度地图 SDK,相关问题已经有人提出来了[iOS地图sdk] Xcode8.3的内存泄露问题,官方还没有给出解决方案。
所以只能暂时 ignore it.
PS:iOS 百度地图 SDK 已修复


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      本文标题:Xcode 警告处理⚠️
