英语口语 41-45

英语口语 41-45

作者: 变瘦了吗 | 来源:发表于2020-01-12 11:22 被阅读0次

    1. a set lunch/dinner 一份午/晚餐套餐

    a set meal 一份套餐

    side order 配菜


    Can I supersize it for you?

    Would you like to supersize that?

    Do you need me to supersize it for you?

    supersize v. 在快餐店供应大份的饭食或饮料

    fountain drink 畅饮

    diet (食物或饮品)低糖的

    ketchup 番茄酱

    on the rocks 烈性酒加冰块

    I 'll have a whisky on the rocks, please.


    neat (烈性酒)纯的,不掺水不加冰的

    gin 杜松子酒

    a bag of chips 一袋炸薯条


    for here

    eat in

    to stay

    dine in


    to go




    take away

    drive-through  指不下车即可获得服务的餐馆

    change 零钱

    Can I take your order?需要点餐吗?

    Classic n. 经典食物

    black 不加糖和奶的

    black coffee 清咖啡

    Would you like sth bonus size for +金额+ more?


    bonus size 加大

    2. mess up 出错,搞砸

    make a mistake with sth 把...弄错了

    terribly 很,非常

    get it 换餐


    right away

    right now

    at once


    drumsticks (鸡等禽类动物的)小腿

    crispy fried chicken drunsticks 香酥炸鸡腿

    chicken wing 鸡翅

    chicken cutlet 鸡排

    cutlet (尤指)动物颈部或肋骨上的)肉排

    bring sth for sb / bring sb sth 给某人带来

    take 带走,拿走

    apologize for (doing) sth 因(做)某事而道歉

    inconvenience 不便,麻烦

    apologize to sb 向某人道歉

    on the house(店方)免费提供的

    unmitigated (常指坏事或不成功的事)完全的,彻底的,十足的

    be a disaster 非常失败,极为糟糕

    lettuce 生菜

    Swiss cheese 蜂窝乳酪,瑞士硬干酪

    whole wheat 全麦(面包)

    adjacent 邻近的,眦连的

    A is adjacent to B A和B紧贴在一起

    might as well do sth 最好还是做某事,倒不如做某事

    a car wash 洗车房

    culinary 烹饪的

    3.  get along 和睦相处

    A and B get along= A get(s) along with B A和B和睦相处

    I've been there 我全都知道,我理解你的感受

    cheer sb up 使振作,使高兴

    cheer up 打起精神,加油

    pull yourself together= pull it together 振作点,打起精神

    buck up 打起精神

    buck sb up 使振作

    look alive 打起精神

    as much as =although

    go-to (为解决某个问题或做某件事情的)必找的(人)

    know-it- all 无所不知的人,百事通

    get on sb's nerves 使(某人)心烦

    pedestal 柱子或雕像的底座,基座

    put sb on a pedestal 非常敬慕某人,把某人当偶像

    4. window shopping 浏览商店橱窗(无意购买)

    spree n, 过分的玩乐,短暂的放纵

    a shopping spree 购物上短暂的放纵,引申为买买买

    go on a shopping spree 去疯狂购物

    go on a drinking spree 去痛快地喝一通

    shop till sb drop(s)逛到腿软

    navy 深蓝色的,海军蓝的

    tons of, dozens of 很多的

    outfit 特指为特定场合或活动而穿的全套服装,装束

    pick up 举起,抬起;挑选

    off to 去/前往...

    wardrobe 衣橱,衣柜

    off to wardrobe 去挑衣服

    I don't have a clue= I have no idea

    look around 游览,闲逛

    at the moment 此刻,目前

    I'm just browsing 我就随便看看

    browse 浏览书籍,杂志或互联网;随便看看

    sb + be+ on budget 某人需要控制开支

    on a budget 手头紧,没什么钱

    pay through the nose for sth 通过鼻子支付某物,引申为为某物花大价钱

    pay through the nose to do sth 花大价钱做某事

    cost an arm and a leg 花了一大笔钱

    break the bank 使银行破产,引申为花费太多钱

    sb have/has great taste 某人很有品味

    classy 流行的,时髦的,豪华的

    5. come in 可提供,有(货)

    steep 过高的,过分的,不合理的

    a bit steep 有点贵


    Is there any discount?

    could you cut the price a little?

    can you give me a little deal on this?

    disigner n. adj. 设计师;出自著名设计师的,名牌的

    be a steal 以极低价格出售

    shorts 短裤

    shoe her down= jew down(无礼地)与卖方讨价还价以获得较低的商品或服务价格

    英语口语 41-45



          本文标题:英语口语 41-45
